When I looked down at his ankles it revealed gashes of blood streaming from his ankle. He left a trail on the ground that followed us while he pushed the Tire.

"Tristan you have to get that check out." I insisted.

"They're just blood blisters." He shrugged pushing the tire.

"If they get infected there going to amputate your foot." I joked.

He gave me a smile before pushing the tire further. One thing I've noticed about Tristan is he wasn't a quitter and he cared a whole lot about this. I admired him for that but it was always hard to keep up with him. We were just a few steps away from a small victory and it felt amazing. With a few big pushes I made it. I had pushed a tire for two miles straight. That right there seemed like an accomplishment in itself.

"Where's sargent? Wouldn't he be with travis?" I asked.

"You mean micheal?" He asked catching his breath.

"That's his name?" I laughed.

"He switched out to another section." He admit.

I gave him a nod before we started our sprint. Why in the world would he do that! I mean this was the start to a new beginning he couldn't just quit now?

"Do you know why he left?" I asked panting.

"Not sure I do know he had another section. They've been buds for a while." He admit.

"That makes sense." I gave him a nod.

We ran until it felt like our feet were falling off. Everything was going blank, my vision and everything else that came with it. I never knew this could be so hard. A little warning would've been nice you know. My brother and my grandfather trained but nothing like this. This was human torture. I took a break to catch my breath.

"No cmon Josh you can't stop." He stopped for a moment.

"So why are you stopping!" I tried to catch my breath.

"Because you stopped!" He shouted.

"You two start running now!" Commander yelled.

"Sir yes sir!" We chorused.

We began finishing our way to the finish. I decided to sprint my way there. The faster it ended the faster I would be able to take a shower. Tristan caught up to me I'm guessing he caught the memo.

We made it across the line and I stumbled to my feet placing my arms above my head.

"Did I say you could stop!" Commander yelled.

"No sir!" I panted.

"So why in the hell did you stop!" He shouted.

I got up as my calves began to cramp. I ran over to the mud and threw my body on the floor. Tristan was already a quarter done. I took a deep breathe before crawling my way through the course.

"Don't let that body touch the ground!" Commander yelled.

I tried to keep going but I couldn't anymore.

"Why in the hell did you stop!" He yelled.

"I can't!" I cried.

"Then so help me God and go ring that fucking bell you coward!" He shouted.

I took a deep breathe and collected my thoughts. I wasn't ready to quite we just started. It was too early to quit. I stood my ground and began crawling making it all the way through.

"33:42 for the entire course." He announced.

"You're discharged." He nods.

I felt to my knees as I chugged the water beside me. I couldn't help but let tears fall from my eyes. This was no training like I've ever felt before. I heard footsteps walking closer and I looked up slowly.

"Have you ever been tested this hard in your life?" Sargent brown asked.

"Never." I spoke out breath.

"Get used to it sunshine cause this is only going to get a whole lot harder." He smirked.

He walked away and Tristan walked over to help me up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Just ravishing." I smiled sarcastically.


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