Chapter 2 : disheartening arachnophobia

Começar do início

"I hate this job... but I need to pay my parents back..."

He took his hands off of his face, as Jayz barged into his room

"ERON WAK-" as Jayz was about to wake Eron up, he saw him with tears running down his face

"E-eron? What happened?" Jayz asked confused as Eron quickly got up and brushed his tears aside, with his scarf more up his face then before

"Oh, nothing... just a fly flew into my eye! Haha" as Eron tried to laugh it off Jayz just continued

"Okay? Anyways, LETS GO! BOSS IS IN TROUBLE!" He yelled as another few rounds of bullets were fired

As Jayz left Eron's room, Eron himself looked around, his room was filled with shadows, just like his past that they follow him to this day

As they were trying to run to the stairs onto the third floor, Eron asked Jayz

"W-what is happening??? Does he usually does this?"

But Jayz just scoffed and said "SG never does this! Except when the cult is attacking! It must be that another member has sneaked in" he said with while now even closer to the stairs

"Okay, two things, what is SG? And why are they attacking at night?" Eron asked, still confused about the whole thing

"Because they can't walk in the sun, they will deteriorate if they do it for too long, and also SG stands for Sugar daddy, and boss told me to not call him that but he probably secretly likes it!... even though he had a wife before" Jayz said as he finally walked up the staid but his response made Eron blankly stare at a wall before getting his mind out of the gutter and following Jayz

As they walked up the stairs, they started listen for the gunshots and screams but suddenly they heard

"YOU!" From Joseph, but he didn't finish his sentence, it was a perfect cut off and it came from the last room

As Jayz and Eron were closer and closer into approaching it Eron asked

"And why don't we ask... what was her name... Jasmine! To help us?"

Jayz only scoffed at this question and said

"Last time I woke her up, she send me to the hospital! For few weeks! I'm not risking that again"

As they finally approached the door, Eron, with his entire body shaking, opened it and found...

Nothing, the room was empty and not a soul was there

The shouting, the gunshots and Joseph himself, vanished without a trace

"WHAT???" Jayz yelled as Eron got goosebumps

"B-but" Jayz was trying to say something Eron turned around and bolted to Jasmines room

And as he opened the door, she also wasn't there...

Because she was downstairs making herself a sandwich

And as Jayz and Eron were making plans on what to do and where did Joseph go

Jasmine was quietly looking for tomatoes in the fridge

"Ugh, I hate this... why does my stomach need to be hungry at this time of day!" She mumbled to herself as suddenly her eyes widened as she turned around and threw a tomato behind her

"WHO'S THERE" she shouted as she felt someone's footsteps behind her

"Jasmine... my dear... daughter..." a feline voice from the shadows, has said calmly

Jasmines entire nerve system in a second was ready for a fight to completely overheating

"N-no..." Jasmine mumbled to herself, as she took a few steps back and tears started flowing through her eyes

And as the figure from the shadows revealed itself

It was a tall, skinny and blonde woman

"I've missed you... my darling..." she said, with her dark eyes

Jasmine is full on bawling her eyes out as she runs to her and hugs her

"MOM! I missed you... so much..." she cried as she hugged her and cried into her shoulder

Jasmine was strong, supportive and full of pride and hope... but her biggest weakness... was her emotional attachment

As the woman's hands became white, sharp as knife's claws that stabbed into her skin and her face morphed into a 6 eye monster it said

"Good girl"

And as Eron and Jayz ran down into the kitchen, as they heard Jasmine scream her lungs out

They were too late to save her... again.

Blood of the hotelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora