CHAPTER 9 ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚

Comenzar desde el principio

A thundering roar made the ground beneath them quake and shook the tree branches, sounds of jittering and small creatures skittering off were also heard. Meters away from them stood a gigantic, ferocious ogre with purplish-blue skin and hot-white eyes narrowed in rage. In its hands were large objects meant to be weapons.

Elbert scooped Mary in his arms, jumping and successfully avoiding the sharp projectile thrown by the rabid ogre–if it hit either one of them, it would be instant death by tetanus. He placed the redhead down near a tree trunk and he steadied himself amidst the shaking ground.

"Look away if you cannot stand this sight, Sparkling because I'm not holding back for you" He moved forward, shielding Mary from the raging ogre, and summoned a thin fencing sword from his sleeves–it was glass and the redhead's eyes widened in astonishment when she saw the quick transfiguration of the crystal into a fencing sword.

The ogre sneered, roaring and speaking in a different language as it went for Elbert–swinging its huge club with nails; his opponent moved smoothly like a graceful swan and victoriously defeated the horrendous being. Elbert pierced its chest after making it fall on its back.

Mary observed the dainty way Elbert cut the ogre's chest open and pulled something out, "These ogres are...they lived in the snowy mountains and only come down to get food. They are considered savages but they don't look this ominous. Their skin is originally red"

"Snowy mountains, Sparkling? There is none nearby then it must have traveled far." Elbert straightened up, his hands covered in the beast's strangely-colored blood of dark blue. He showed Mary–a shining ember crystal, "I would love to have this for my collection but Victor requires it"

Fortunately, there was a stream in sight and the water didn't look hazardous so they washed the ember with it and rinsed off the blood from Elbert's hands.

Mary stayed silent, sitting on a rock. "What do you need it for?"

"Foreign creatures began appearing in our home-world, Victor built us a portal to identify where these hostile are coming from and it brought us here. We only wanted to stop those foreign creatures from invading us but they barged into the mansion and destroyed the portal and stole important pieces," Elbert explained, continuing to inspect the ember in his hands.

Slowly it dawned on Mary the real reason behind their actions, "Hostile creatures? Like the ogre..." And the flower fairy they killed, I do remember, the black stains...

"All our targets have this in common, the disgusting black inky liquid" Elbert added.

It somewhat made Mary feel bad for assuming the worst about their intentions, she just jumped fully in the wagon of labeling all of them evil because they are not from Twisted Wonderland. Whereas they probably held Grim and Riddle captive for insurance purposes only–

Her line of thoughts was halted as Elbert finally came forward, looming over. "Hm? What is this I see? You are guilty, Sparkling? I'm not a telepath but you are so easy to read"

"Will you please maintain your distance–Elbert, what are you doing?!" Heat pooled on Mary's cheeks as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

Elbert pulled the woman closer until she was on his lap, "If I will be truly transparent as all the glass collection in my room...I rather not save anyone and stay here." He reached out to pull down her dress' sleeves and neckline but hesitated when he saw a necklace hidden under the modest collar, it was a silver necklace with a crimson rose pendant surrounded by the four suites–heart, diamond, clover, and spade. He felt its magic, the necklace was like a passive alarm, and it would activate if he went further. "You wear such a cheap accessory" It made his mood plummet, his expression returned to being solemn as he gently pushed Mary away.

Mary got up, dusting her skirt and standing at a proper distance from the blonde, her hands clutching the pendant. She always keeps it inside a box to avoid losing it but right now, wearing it around her neck at least gave a soothe of safety. Riddle gave it to me, a necklace that will remind me of him and everyone from Heartslabyul. "Let us go back now, it's not safe to be here at night"

William was filled with wonderment, his crimson eyes reading the folder containing the details found on Grim after initiating another round of tests in him this morning. He paced inside his bedchamber, nodding to himself at this revelation. So not only his Little Red but even her familiar was on another level of uniqueness.

The door to his room swung open and he felt a pair of soft feminine arms wrapped around his torso from behind. He snickered, "Are you finally warming up to me, Red?"

Then the person behind loosened their hold, "Who is Red?"

Instantly, William's smile vanished and was replaced by a deadpan expression. He put the folder down and turned around. "You are not allowed to come out of your room"

It was a woman inside a messy room of crumpled papers and broken artwork. She was beautiful despite the state of her room–long silky blonde hair and doll-like azure eyes. Right now she stared at William, orbs gleaming with contempt. "Is this because of the new arrival? Why are you suddenly fascinated with her? I am the only one"

The irritation gnawed under William's skin, "Do not make me hurt you, return to your room now"

"She is only interesting now because she is unusually new in your eyes but believe me, Rex, you will discard her once you're done toying with her" The blonde woman pressed on with unhidden animosity. 

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