CHAPTER 9 ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚

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There had been a change of plans, the next morning instead of going with Ellis, Mary found herself face-to-face again with overflowing dread before Elbert. The memory of their close interaction yesterday was still fresh and didn't make the air for Mary less uncomfortable. She would rather go with the brooding Ellis than this unpredictable blonde.

An amused brow was lifted, seems Elbert got a gist of the thoughts running in the woman's head while she stared pointedly at him with tight lips. "We will use this time to get properly acquainted, Sparkling. I am going to gather a few things I'll need, wait for me by the door in the living area"

Many times she reminded herself to stay casual and polite despite knowing the chunk of truth that they are no friendly figures. "Okay" was her curt response, facing her back on Elbert and walking away without another word. Mary descended to the spacious living area, and plopped down on a couch to wait for Elbert. What could she possibly contribute to this assignment? Sure she grew up in Twisted Wonderland but she wasn't knowledgeable about anything important, did they assume she could create magic? Perhaps if she told them she was non-magic folk, there would be a chance of releasing her but Riddle–

"Ellis!" Mary got up and approached the man she was supposed to accompany today.

The tall disheveled purplish-black-haired guy stopped in midsteps, "Mary" He sounded unhappy nor excited.

She looked down at the marbled floor with slight uncertainty, "...say, is there a possibility for me to see Grim and Riddle?" Her question came out small, like a child asking for a toy she fancied and wanted to buy. "I want to see them put my heart at ease"

A brief silence before Ellis gave a reply, "I will think about it, this is not for me to decide though but I'll see what I can do"

Mary lifted her gaze and those emerald orbs shone, "Really?! Thank you!"

The sudden hugging gesture had Ellis going stiff and annoyed, it was the same irritation he felt when he arranged the bedchamber for her. "No need for sappy actions, go and make yourself useful to Elbert" He held Mary at arm's length.

Deep Fall Woods.

This was not a tourist spot or a place to stroll and spend time in, it was announced to be dangerous because of the rampant beasts and unidentified creatures dwelling here. Only the high-leveled mages and sentinels can go here for patrol or whatever.

"Elbert, why here?" Mary swallowed, scooting closer to her companion's tall frame.

She hated the eerie purplish-black fog in this area, the scent wasn't awful however it was always dim and dark in Deep Fall woods, despite being a morning, no sunlight could pass through the thick leaves and branches of its peculiar willowy, towering trees. There was also a rumor circulating about this woods–as its name came from the huge unseen hole and anyone who became unfortunate to trip and fall wouldn't be able to come back to the surface.

But Elbert knew none about this and even if he did, he was still unfazed. "I read in a book that Deep Fall has many ogres and I need to find its whereabouts"

"What for? Experimentation? Thrill?" These what-ifs were enough to trigger annoyance in Mary, Victor specified no more about their reasons. They might be killing for cheap thrills.

Elbert turned around, gazing down at the redhead, "Is that what you believe we are doing here in your world?"

Her gaze didn't waver as she met his icy blue eyes, "There could be no other motives and it's evident given you killed a flower fairy and other talented residents of Twisted Wonderland"

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