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Guess who's back!!

By the end of the week I got to know more about Jayden's friends. Especially Walker. He never shut up. It's weird how it doesn't bother me when Jayden talks non-stop but when Walker so much as opens his mouth I'm dreading what he has to say.

So it's safe to say that anything I've learned about Walker's life has been totally and completely against my will. I didn't complain though. I was just grateful that everyone else let me hang out with them and they didn't make a big fuss about it.

Except Kiara of course. But I was expecting that. She just kept sending me nasty glances any time someone would talk to me or ask my opinion about literally anything. She didn't mention it at home though. Now that was weird.

But I'm sure I will get a screaming match in due time since Jayden and I are going out this weekend. Well I wouldn't say going out. It's just a friendly hangout. Between two friends. Just so friendly.

Brie finally decided to come to school on Friday - which was pretty stupid since she skipped the whole week but she doesn't work by normal logic - and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. I needed to meet up with her to properly discuss my "just a friendly hangout" with Jayden.

"So...what I'm hearing is you two will be alone...at a museum, which you both love by the way, and it's not a date?" Brie has been trying to figure this our for a whole of ten minutes now.

"Exactly. It's not a date. At least Jayden never said it would be one. I really think she just wants to see the exhibition. I don't know...maybe Kiara asked her to take me so I wouldn't be sulking in my room." I also didn't know the meaning behind Jayden's invite.

Of course I would love it if it was a date but I don't want to assume. Because that would be totally awkward.

"Yeah babes. I don't think Kiara would do that. But if it makes you sleep better at night..." Brie burst my bubble pretty fast. She was very rational in this sense. She knew my sister almost as good as me. That may be because I go to her to complain about every little fight we have. Regardless, Brie knows Kiara would never in her right mind ask Jayden to spend time with me.

"Who knows...all I know is I'm hanging out with Jayden tomorrow whether it's friendly or not and I don't have a thing to wear!" I exclaimed and popped a grape in my mouth. I had been thinking about this for the better part of my days and it was driving me nuts. I tore up at least twenty tissues worrying over the exhibition.

"I've got you. We will dress you up in something very nice but sexy enough to draw her attention. I've got just the perfect outfit in mind. Come over after school with me so I can lend it to you!" Brie offered. It honestly relieved me, if only just a little, that I had a best friend like her. She always knew what to say and how to say it.

"I don't want to give her a bad impression. We're only going to the museum. Don't put me in something that will make me look like a tryhard." I complained though I knew I could trust Brie with my life if it came to fashion. She was a true icon.

"Don't worry babes. Have I ever had a bad outfit day in my life? No." She reassured me and sipped on her ice water. We were sitting outside, enjoying the last days of the sun before October took over with the colorful leaves and foggy mornings.


Brie wasn't lying when she said she had the perfect outfit in mind. Her backless black top fit me like a glove and it matched perfectly with my maroon skirt and black Mary Janes. To tie the look together, I borrowed one of my moms vintage leather jackets and a maroon scarf we thrifted together last October.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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