I think I have feelings for him🤦‍♀️

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(Oliver pov)- I was getting up for the 9:00 AM meeting It was currently 8:16 am as I got up regie got up also we got ready together Lately I had this feeling every time I get around him, it's like he's the only thing I see and I want him to wait! that's my best friend I can't think of him like that I need to get this off my chest should I tell him, my brother knows I think imma ask Justin to see what he would say. 

[At the 9 am meeting]

Ty was telling us how we needed to make a video today and after that, we could just do our own thing so I asked the boys do they wanna have a movie night and then asked Justin can I talk to him for a minute.

Justin- wsp ollie you good?

Oliver- yes I'm good it's just um how do I say this it's Regie every time I get around him I feel some things that I can't explain because I don't know what they are myself and I was just thinking maybe you would know what to do or tell me about this situation I don't know.

Justin-Ollie everybody goes through this it's called a crush and I think you have one for Regie fuckin Macalino the sexiest one in this house and THEN YOU SHARE A ROOM WITH HIM OMG OLIVER YOU GOT this go for him you got it.😂😂😂.

Oliver-Justin do you not realize that he is our best friend and I can't have feelings for him because it would ruined and the whole NSB would fall apart do you think so?

Justin-An that's ok because It would not fall apart because we all would support you guys and if it gets bad let me know I don't want you overthinking it ok.

Oliver-ok I will let you know thank you, Justin, now let go for the other boys start looking for us

Seb- guys let's go to the store and get our things for the movie night Oliver, regie, and Kane ride in Justin's car, and Ryan and Darren ride with me. ok, meet us at the store Justin.

(Oliver pov)- I have to ride in a car with Regie and Kane would take the front seat, huh but that's ok, even though I was nervous the whole time sitting next to Regie as I was on TikTok I felt a head lay on my shoulder and I knew it was Regie and I started to panic. 

We made it back to the house from the store getting the things for tonight and we all picked our spots on the Sofia and of course, Regie picked the spot next to me to sit for tonight.🤦‍♀️

[Time Skip's]

It was dark out and we all made our way to the living room and took our seats on the Sofia as we were halfway into the movie regie laid on me and his hands slid around my waist with his head on my shoulder I looked at him he was already looking at me then I told him to let me go right fast, as he did I took off my shirt then went back to him, as he put his hands back around me and head back on me I relaxed (I actually have feelings for him.)

[There will be a part two on this chapter and I will start off with when they were in the living room watching tv]


Oliver went to bed thinking about Regie Thank you for reading my story and i don't know if you noticed but I don't drop another part of a story until it gets like 60 reads soo yeah have a good day and I would love it if y'all easily vote yk. 

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