❥ 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 : relationships are precious

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Monaco is a dot on the world map. So it's a tiny place with busy streets all year round by itself. Add a yearly f1 street race into the mix and you can barely walk the streets without bumping into someone. And that's exactly how it's been for the past month and a half.

The circuit takes about 6 weeks to set up and if you live anywhere close to the track, which basically everyone does cause it goes around the country, you know that despite its glory it's the biggest pain ever. But the monegasques take pride in this race, so they really don't complain much.

It's the Friday before the race and Maya woke up, earlier than usual, to get ready. Alex stayed the night so the three of them could get ready and leave for the track together. She wasn't able to go to bed early, side effects of overthinking and stress, so she was more tired and irritable than she wanted to be.

Two soft knocks on her door and a faint, "Maya? Are you awake?", was heard as she was brushing her teeth. As best as she could, she replied back, hoping the message got across. The door then slowly opened and she could see Alex's reflection on her mirror. She quickly finished brushing her teeth before turning back around.

"You look cute", she smirked looking at her outfit. Alex was wearing Charles' classic grey sweatshirt that everyone and their mother have seen him wear, hair tousled and a bit messy. Her lips were quite swolen and there were not one but two very purple marks on the left side of her neck.

Realising what Maya meant she blushed profusely, scratching the back of her neck. "Don't scratch too hard, it's already purple", Maya chuckled. Her eyes widened as she ran to the bathroom. Maya covered my mouth, trying to control her laughter.

"Hey it's okay don't panic. Nothing a little concealer can't cover. Do you want to get ready with me? I can help", she offered.

Alex was a family friend of Maya before she even met Charles. Their mums were super close in college. They met a couple of times when they were kids, then had no contact for a long time before reconnecting last year. Maya has always cared for Alex like an older sister and that's only increased ever since she's started dating Charles.


The annual Walker-Leclerc Christmas dinner just ended. Arguably everyone's favourite part of Christmas. They've been doing this since Maya was 16 and no matter how many girlfriends or boyfriends come in, this always stays. For example, Lorenzo has brought his girlfriend, Charlotte, to the last few dinners. 

Charles and Maya were on clean up duty, as always. Usually they talk about the most random of things. This year however, he had some 'important news to share'.

"I really like Alex. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend", he said out of the blue.

"What?", she asked, dropping the bowl back into the sink.

"What was that?", Mrs. Walker called. "Nothing, don't worry", she yelled back.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Are you being serious Charles? Like this isn't some weird prank?", she questioned, not believing a word. 

She had introduced him to Alex less than a month ago. She didn't even know they hung out, let alone be romantically interested in each other. She's not controlling, she just wants to know if two of her friends like each other.

"Why would I lie about this?", he asked blinking more than he would.

"I don't know", she shrugged, now pacing up and down the kitchen. "I'm being very serious Maya", he promised.

She genuinely didn't know what to say. So she stood there thinking for a few minutes.

"Charles why her?", she asked folding her arms.

"What do you mean why her? I like her, really really like her. Do I need a reason for liking a girl?", he asked back. She could tell he was getting annoyed but she had her reasons.

"No you don't need a reason for liking a girl. Just- this girl is Alex. She's like totally different to you. She's introverted and doesn't like a lot of attention and quiet. Listen I've been your best friend for as long as I can remember and I just- I don't want you hurting her, that's all", she sighed. She immediately regretted the way she phrased it though.

"Oh so now you think I'm playing with her feelings? That I'm some sort of player fuckboy? Great, glad to know what you really think about me Maya", he spat out, clearly angry.

"That's not what I said Charles. Don't be putting words into my mouth", she replied, a little too loud. Charles flinched, not used to her raising her voice. She composed herself before starting to explain.

"You just got out of a relationship. It's not even been a year. I just don't want Alex to be some sort of distraction, not saying that you would do that intentionally but you might not even realise it. You were hurt, very very hurt when you broke up, Charles. That type of pain doesn't heal easily". 

"If you know you really like her, good and true intentions, then I'm not anyone to stop you. But I don't want you committing a mistake and hurting the both of you at the end. Attraction and actually wanting to be together is different Charles. I'm attracted to tens of thousands of people. Hell, every time I go on a walk I find someone attractive. That doesn't mean I'm gonna date all of them". 

"Listen I'm not going to tell you what to do. It's not my place and you're 26, you can make decisions on your own. Just think about all of this. A relationship is a precious thing and far different from a one night stand or random hook up. Don't rush is all I'm saying. She's not going anywhere, you're not going anywhere. If anything time will only strengthen the love between you two. Just think about it before jumping into something", she advised.

She cares about the two of them, quite a bit. Charles is her one true best friend she's known forever and she has always enjoyed her time with Alex a lot. So naturally she didn't want them to rush into something which can cost, not only their relationship, but her friendship with the two.

Some might say it was not her place to advise them. Some might say she did the right thing. She knew that she wouldn't have been able to sleep if she didn't get that out. Besides, Charles and her have had much bigger disagreements yet they always apologise and move on. That's how it's always been and that's how it was this time. 


sack speaks: 

okay I lied, here is another chapter! I'm the most impatient creature though so this is not a shocker.

this chapter is just a cute little one that shows more of Maya's relationship with Charles and Alex as well as her view on relationships in general, basically how I view them. I'm 16 with absolutely no romantic experience so don't come after me if something is controversial PLEASE😭

I promise the childhood sweetheart will make his grand(or not so grand) appearance next chapter! 

Also italicised lines are flashbacks from now on.  


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