Chapter 2

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*Walking into the remains of a city, the whole place has been ravaged with cold and ice.

*Continuing on, Uzi keeps on the search for anything interesting, before she steps on something resulting in a crunching sound

*Looking down, she sees the remains of a worker, it's now cracked screen showing a warning symbol.

*Looking up, Uzi finds what she was looking for, the spire of corpses signaling the Murder Drone's lair

*Unbeknownst to her, she is being watched from the roofs, the snow whirling around covers the being, the only thing visible being the silhouette from the shine of the planet in the sky.

*Uzi enters the spire through a hole at the bottom, the pod from her earlier presentation sitting in the center, surrounded by the scraps of all sorts of machinery.

*Walking towards the center, she discards an arm before grabbing a green glowing cylinder, she looks at it with interest before the whole place becomes dimmer.

*She hurriedly moves to cover as a Murder Drone lands on the pod, it lifts up a head, drinking the oil dripping from it's neck before crushing it.

*Uzi watches it with something reflective, before looking at the cylinder then once more at her make-shift mirror, the M.D.'s position has changed, an X shines on it's screen as it looks her way.

*As the M.D. flies up, Uzi starts backpaddling, removing a piece from her gun, inserting the green one, and aiming forward.

*The drone then lands in front of her, causing Uzi to lose grip of her railgun and it fly behind the Murder Drone; she flips backward before landing in a fighting position, impressing herself.

Uzi: Woah -- and they said pirating all that anime was useless.

*The Murder Drone approaches her, it shoots it tail at her but the tail is suddenly stopped.

*From out of nowhere a chunk of ice formed in front of Uzi, stopping her from getting hit

*A figure lands behind the Murder Drone, with an unusual amount of snow flying up.

*2 beams of light that come to a point appear in the snow, electricity crackles around them as the snow settles and the figure is revealed.

*A human wearing a white jacket, red scarf and sweatpants; a flower in their right eye and some sort of machinery around their hands that forms laser-like swords

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*A human wearing a white jacket, red scarf and sweatpants; a flower in their right eye and some sort of machinery around their hands that forms laser-like swords.

*The human runs at the Murder Drone, the drone flies up but the human predicts this, jumping and chopping one of the wings off.

*The drone falls to the ground face first, getting up they're met by the sight of the human who stabs them in the visor, before decapitating them with the other arm.

*The drone falls, lifeless

*The human turns his head to see Uzi aiming her gun at him

Uzi: Bite me!

*Uzi fires her gun, a beam of green launches at the human, who in response turns the rest of his body and points one his blades to the blast.

*The laser hits the blade and splits down the middle, bringing no harm to the human; Uzi now stands there, dumbfounded that her laser shot was split in 2.

*The human starts walking towards her, bringing her to a panic, however the machines around the human's hands starts to steam; the blades disappear as the machinery then starts to open itself up and move up the human's arms.

???: Relax, I'm no threat to you

*Uzi doesn't believe this as she continues backing up

Uzi: Just tell me what you want human!

???: To do what your mother asked

*This brings Uzi to a stop

Uzi: My mom?  You knew her . . .  wait . . . (Accusatory): You killed her

???: Wrong, now is not the place to discuses these things, we should head back to your colony

*The human begins to walk faster, in the direction of the colony; Uzi makes an attempt to run and kick the human from behind, but gets stopped by a gust of wind strong enough to stop her from moving.

???: *sigh* Just listen to me . . please, it will make this all much easier

Uzi: . . . . fine.

*Uzi gives up on attacking the human for now and begins to walk with them back to the bunker.

*Getting back to the entrance, Uzi groans.

Uzi: Getting through this ice'll take forever

*All of a sudden, all the ice in front of the door crumbles to the ground.

???: I don't feel like wasting time

*Uzi looks at the human, confused, before swiping the door key and opening the door, revealing all the W.D.F. members, minus Kahn, playing cards.

*They all look up, seeing the Uzi and the human.

W.D.F. member: Hey Uzi . . . aaaannnnnddd you?

???: (Sarcastically): Glad to know my legacy lives on.

*As Uzi and the human step in, the ice behind them starts reforming.

???: Do any of you know Kahn?

W.D.F. member: Oh yeah, he's our leader, he went to go get a new pack of cards for us.

???: . . . and where is he?

W.D.F. member: Oh, he's probably down in the old human item storeroom.

*The human turns to Uzi

???: You know where that is?

Uzi: Yeah, but why-

???: I want to see your father

*Uzi was shocked and slightly unsettled about how much this human knew of her and her family.

Uzi: Alright, fine . . . follow me

*Uzi leads the way, the human following her down twists and turns of hallways; drones constantly commenting on the appearance of a human.

Drone 1: Why is there a human here?

Drone 2: I'll admit he looks sick

Drone 3: He seems to be following Kahn's daughter

*After a few minutes of walking, the 2 walk into a big storeroom full of shelves of boxes of stuff

???: (Yelling): Hey Kahn!

Kahn: (In the distance): Yeah?

*The human then starts walking in the direction of the voice, and finds Kahn rifling through a box looking for a deck of cards.

???: Don't you know how to greet an old friend?

*Kahn looks up from the box and sees the human, he looks at them with suspicion.

Kahn: You look familiar

???: (Frustrated): Does anyone here remember me?!

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