18: Kiss of Death

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        "...rom the flesh!"

"Rise from the flesh!"

You woke up to the sound of chanting. Loud voices blended together as they repeated the phrase over, and over again. Their voices echoed and bounced off the walls, making you groan as you began to gain consciousness. You cracked open your eyes only to immediately close them again. Nearly right over you was a bright, lit-up chandelier. It hurt to look at it. You tried to cover your face with your arm, but it wouldn't move.

Twisting your head to the side, you finally opened your eyes. Rope. You were tied down to what you quickly figured out was an altar. It felt like you were in a dream, like there was a thick fog over everything. Your ears were ringing, you could hardly see, and you were freezing. Goosebumps rose on your skin, the cold stone of the altar only adding to the low temperature. What was going on?

When you looked down everything started rushing back. You were in the cult again. They'd captured Jack. You tried to trick them, and then Krul drugged you and you passed out. Now, you were half naked. You'd been stripped apart from your undergarments. Your first instinct was to be embarrassed, but quickly that feeling was overtaken by a combination of anger and terror.

The ritual. This was for the ritual. You'd failed to stop it, and now you were a part of it. Looking to your right, you saw Jack tied down just as you were. He didn't move as you stared at him, he didn't even seem to realize you were there. They'd probably drugged him as well.

You looked around frantically, spotting all of the hooded figures. There were so many eyes on you. So many people were watching, and yet no one moved to help. You were so angry, but you couldn't blame them. You'd been the same. Instead of the cultists, you directed your focus on Krul and snarled, baring your teeth at the man responsible for it all. Never before had you wanted to rip someone apart so badly.

Krul didn't seem put off by your animosity. "I see you've woken, my child." His grin made you want to vomit. "I do apologize about the... force we had to use earlier, but it was for the best. Now you're here, now you're ready."

"Ready for what?" You hissed, "What's the ritual for this time? What could you possibly want with Jack now?" You didn't bother to hide the anger in your tone.

"I want to fix what we did, I want to give our lord a proper vessel!" There was an odd glimmer in his eyes that made you shudder. "And I've decided that vessel will be you."

Your mouth went dry. You didn't even know what to say to that. Krul had said that with a smile, said that like it was a good thing. It was revolting. Everything had gone so horribly wrong. All of your plans had failed. The plan with Jack to break in undetected, your plan to infiltrate the cult and get Jack out. You'd failed, and now both you and Jack were a part of this sick ritual.

Father Krul raised his hand and the chanting stopped. He turned away from you and faced the cult, lifting both arms in the air. "My children, tonight we will bear witness to a transfer of energy! Of power! The past will be corrected, and finally Chernobog will have his vessel!" The pews boomed with a cheer. The hoods covered their faces, but you were sure they were grinning. They truly believed this would work. They believed every word Krul was saying.

"Now, let the ritual begin!" Father Krul finished and turned to face you and Jack.

The chanting started up again as two cultists stood from the pews and approached the altar. One held a dagger, and the other held a bucket.

No. Please no.

Your mouth was agape and your eyes were wide as tears welled in the corners. Your eyes darted from Jack, to the cultists, to Father Krul. Your heart was beating loudly in your chest, your limbs shaking with fear. You and Jack were about to die. All of your efforts to get revenge were for nothing. After everything the cult was going to live on. And you'd just be another sacrifice, another face on TV as some news reporter went on and on about your horrible demise.

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