Troya: Why are you here Harbinger!?

Y/N: I'm here to start an alliance Jesus fucking Christ! And why am I being called the harbinger?!

Troya: As if we would believe that! 3 of our titans have suffered damage from events you were spectating! We know you called in those attacks!

Y/N: That wasn't me. A guy who wants me dead kept sending in titans in hopes that their battles would kill me in the process. Hell I don't know why he hasn't just killed me himself. From what I've seen he could easily.

Troya seemed to look into Y/Ns eyes for a moment before lifting her legs off him. She moves around like a spider.

Troya: Alright.... But if you try anything I'm crushing your head.

Y/N: Your welcome to try.

Troya took the offer and raised one of her spider legs and threw it at Y/N. Though he caught it and ripped it off before slashing the other 2 off with it.

Y/N: You wanna try again?

Troya: Damn you're stronger than you look. Fair enough I guess. Alright we'll join. Anything you need?

Y/N: Did you ever have a scientist named Cassiopeia defect?

Troya: Yes? Why?

Y/N: Do you know her base?

Troya: Yes, we killed her, though we found some strange things and its area is slightly dangerous.

Y/N: What kind of Skibidi?

Troya: Sinks.

Y/N: They won't hurt us. I made a grave agreement.

Troya: You did?

Y/N nodded.

Troya: Well I'd be damned. Still gonna bring our titans though.

Y/N nodded.


Y/N was flying towards the base on the shoulder of Lock On. Troya was next to him and so was a Y Radio Woman.

She was named Sati but she wasn't really important at the moment besides her being the leader of the Y radio men

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She was named Sati but she wasn't really important at the moment besides her being the leader of the Y radio men. What was more surprising was the titans. Concert and Cryolite and Infection flew besides them. Though there were 4 more titans.

 Though there were 4 more titans

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Y/N had already come up with nicknames for them, the names went Brainwave, AC, Mapper and Orbit

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Y/N had already come up with nicknames for them, the names went Brainwave, AC, Mapper and Orbit.

The titans landed outside of a ruined laboratory that nature had clearly taken over.

Troya: We have no use for the stuff here. You go in and we'll come back to pick you up.

Y/N nodded and flew down and entered. He walked through multiple busted doors until he saw a computer. The screen was flickering as he clicked on it.

First video:

A deranged looking Cyrus appeared as Y was strapped to a chair behind her. On his cheek and upper neck 001 had been tattooed onto it. He had a gag on stopping him from speaking.

Cyrus: Log 1. The humans aren't dead! I found one! Now time to see if I can make this fucker reproduce asexually so I can revive the race!

Cyrus grabbed multiple surgical tools and began operating, Y/N simply skipped ahead into the video until after it was done and she began speaking.

Cyrus: Well good news, he isn't dead. Bad news, I have to wait. I implanted him with some custom biomass hoping that his body would think they're stem cells and imprint specialised DNA onto them. From that the biomass would activate a program I put on it that makes it form another human.

An image appeared on the video that resembled the goo Y had used in his fight against Y/N and Onslaught. Had it worked, but not in the way Cyrus had wanted?

Cyrus: I'm going to return him to his test chamber now. Hopefully some food will encourage his body to begin.

The video ended as Y/N went into the computers systems. Though he was having trouble so he extended a plug socket from his back and plugged it into the computer, downloading all its data onto his private network.

In Y/Ns HUD he pulled the map up and saw an area called 001 Room. Y/N decided to move there, he walked down the hallways and down a flight of stairs as he saw the corpses of many alliance members and then the corpse of Cyrus, slumped over at the door of Ys old room.

Y/N moved it aside as he walked in. He saw a bed, a toilet, a wall mounted coat hanger and a tiny TV and teddy bear against the wall. Though carved into one of the walls was the message "Take your revenge on this world".

Y/N looked confused as he spotted a notebook on the bed. He walked over and lifted it up. It was a diary. Though in-between the lines the handwriting would get messy. It was a plan to get the alliance here to kill Cyrus and allow him to escape.

Y/N: Maybe you don't deserve to die.... No- No. He made that choice.

Y/N was not very sure of what he had just said. But he was never sure on anything right now.

Final Descendant - Skibidi Toilet Harem X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now