"Riley- it's gonna be okay, wait I'll be right back" I said, well it wasn't like I wasn't worried but well.

Somehow I hadn't fallen asleep yet- normally I was out cold by 11pm- I looked at my watch. It was almost 1am- I digress, anyways as I was the only person there with a car I decided to go to the nearest Starbucks, which was only a few minutes of a drive away. "One venti caramel crunch Frappuccino with 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup and mocha drizzle on the bottom and top of the cup with cookie crumble and like 4 espresso shots." not complicated at all, i'm such a simple person. I quickly texted riley "What you want from starbucks- and if you dont respond in the next 30 seconds im only getting drinks for me and isa"

"What- yes i want coffee and im typing this as fast as humanly possible. I want a venti iced pumpkin spice Latte with two pumps of white mocha sauce and two pumps of apple brown sugar syrup and with extra caramel drizzle and cinnamon dolce topping."

And I thought my order was complex...

"Oh yeah and also one venti iced pumpkin spice Latte with two pumps of white mocha sauce and two pumps of apple brown sugar syrup, 5 pumps of espresso and with extra caramel drizzle and cinnamon dolce topping and a venti soy milk milkshake with minimum cream and a pistachio garnish." I told the tired looking barista who was already shooting daggers at me for the first order

"Name for the order?"
"Sammy clover for the first drink, Riley Buckley for the second and Isadora Eden for the last"
"To go or to drink here?"
"To go and could I have 3 cake pops too?"
I think that barista hates me.

10 minutes later I was on my way back to the hospital. Until I see a text from my phone from the nurse I may or may not have forced her to give me her number but it's fine.

"They are awake and stable. You can see them." 

I nearly crashed the car when I saw this text and speeded to the hospital as soon as I could. " WHERE ARE THEY" Isadora screamed as soon as we entered the hospital and the clearly annoyed nurse led us to the room unlocking the door where I saw Talia and Tabitha on different beds lying down. Tabitha had her long red hair all over the place and was asleep where Talia had her up in a ponytail and was awake on her phone. 

"TALIA- T- TABITHA!!" I whisper screamed.
I quickly handed riley and isadora their drinks and cake pops and started to text lune when-
"HEY WHY DON'T I GET STARBUCKS." Talia shouted looking up.

I looked at the nurse.
She nodded so I texted Lune and asked her to get 2 iced coffees unless she knew what tab and tal wanted on her way to the hospital and whatever she wanted for herself.
I looked down at my phone to see Lune calling me. I picked up the phone but before I knew it Tabitha was up. and she took my phone "Luneeeee so- from Starbucks I would like a Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino.

Add 1 pump hazelnut syrup. Ask the barista to add 1 Starbucks Birthday Cake Pop into the blender. Thanks or if they get confused which they do A LOT...  just a plain black coffee-" she said before hanging up the phone and handing it back to me. "thanks- also by the way..." she said going back over to her bed "the police are coming to question us... so call the rest" she finishes, her mood dropping a bit suddenly. *riiingggg *riiiinggg* it was lune. she was calling me again. "h- hey- i'm uh, on my way. i've gotten everyone's orders and oh my gosh i can't wait to see you guys-" she said quickly. "oh- also tell tabitha her younger siblings are hereee" lune said excitedly. but my phone was on speaker and when tab heard this her face lit up. "TELL THEM TO COME UP RIGHT NOW OMG" she said partially screaming trying to get up once again but the nurse pushed her down "you already got up once I can't have you putting any more pressure on your leg" the nurse said shaking her head. suddenly lune barged in, clutching three orders of coffee and her phone.

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