Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It had been a long shift. Billie had been on her feet for eight hours and things were only just starting to slow down. It had just turned 10 and all the kitchen staff still had another two hours to go before midnight. There was no doubt she'd be staying back later to prep for tomorrow, but at least it was quieter now.

"Billie, do you want to go on your break?" James asks with a big smile on his face. Billie lets out a long breath and wipes the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve.

"Yes please."

"Go take a halfer, we should be alright from here but if it gets busy we'll yell." Billie nods and leaves her post, handing off to Paul who gives her a slight nod. The older chefs were always looking out for the younger ones, Billie loved that about this place.

"Thanks guys" she says gratefully as she grabs her caesar salad from the fridge, she gets a side eye from Donovan on the way out. "Oh don't give me that, it's cheap" she laughs.

"You're a chef Billie! You get paid more than enough to cook yourself a fresh meal, not store bought garbage" he grumbles.

"I don't have time-"

"Bullshit!" James yells.

"Fine, I'm lazy" she admits making the man sigh.

"At least she's honest."

"Hey Billie" Al calls as he walks into the kitchen. Billie looks over her shoulder and her hopes for lunch are thrown out the window when she sees Al with a cigarette hanging from his lip. "I'm going out for a dart ; will you watch the dining room for me? I'll be back in a jiff." Billie salutes him and he walks out the back. The girl sighs and puts her caesar back.

Just as the backdoor shuts she hears niggling from the dining room. Sighing again she looks out the kitchen window to see what's going on.

A plump man in a suit seems to be arguing with Olivia who's standing her ground and being very polite and calm, but her glances around the dining room for her co-workers would suggest that she's in need of assistance. 

Oh boy Billie doesn't miss retail, doesn't miss working as a waitress whatsoever-

"Are you deaf girl I said get me your manager!" The man yells. The whole dining hall goes quiet, and the man stares furiously at Olivia who's no longer calm and polite, she looks like she's on the verge of tears. The man stands and keeps yapping like a chihuahua, continuing to berate her in front of everyone.

"I'll handle it" Billie tells Don before he marches out of the kitchen and strangles the man. Billie walks out of the kitchen and walks up to the table with her biggest customer service smile plastered on her face. The man stops talking when he sees her walking up and turns his attention to her. Billie stands in front of Olivia and smiles up at the man. "Hello sir, what seems to be the problem?" Billie asks politely.
"My risotto came with pumpkin in it. I specifically asked for no pumpkin" he says matter of fact. Billie rubs her lips together to stop herself from laughing. She had half the mind to go back into the kitchen and make him a 'special' risotto when she saw the bowl. Almost completely empty, with a tiny bit of risotto and pumpkin pushed to the side to make up for the fact he was complaining. 

"We would be happy to make you another risotto sir" Billie says happily.

"Good, I'm glad someone knows what they're doing around here."

"Splendid, let me just go ahead and add that to your bill" she says. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Well you see sir. You've eaten your risotto, pumpkin and all. If you'd like the chefs to prepare another one, you have to pay."

Here's to the Firstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें