Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After coming back home from a long shift Billie immediately kicked off her shoes and ripped off her uniform, tossing it into a forgotten corner of the room to be dealt with later. Guinness greeted her at the door and followed her into her room where she changed into her long, baggy, and very sexy bunny rabbit pyjama pants paired with a stained black tank top she'd found on the floor.
She walked back downstairs, snagging a bag of chips from the kitchen before flopping onto the couch and sinking into her fluffy blue pillows. Guinness sat between her legs, sleeping soundly as Billie flicked through the channels, settling on a documentary she was sure was going to put her to sleep if not for the persistent buzzing of her phone. She knew it was going to be work asking her to come in on her day off; she frowned when she saw a missed phone call and a message from Laura, and three messages from Peter. Bille felt the blood drain from her face when she realised what day it was. Saturday. She was late for dinner.

Peter: Where the dick are you???

Peter: Even Raul arrived on time

Peter: Billie??????

Oh boy she was most definitely going to be late. Should she even go? She's in her pyjamas eating chips off her belly for god's sake!

Laura: Billie we're at Heartbreaker, probably not going to any other bars tonight. I'll see you soon xx

Sighing to herself and laying back down on her second hand couch, Billie stared at the ceiling for a while and then forced herself to move. Lazily she climbed back up the stairs into her tight bedroom. Quickly she changed out of her bunny rabbit pyjama bottoms and rushed to put on the first pair of clean clothes she could find which happened to be a warm black turtleneck and a pair of black jeans she swear she got rid of ages ago. Jumping to the bathroom to try and get the skinny jeans over her butt she quickly slapped on some dark eyeshadow and smudged it around her eyes – if she couldn't do anything about the dark bags she was at least going to make her icy blues pop. She didn't even bother with her wild curly red locks and kept it in the bun, knowing that if she took it out they weren't going to cooperate.

After finishing with some mascara and a little bit of gloss for her lips she decided it was good enough and slipped on a black button coat before grabbing her bag and telling Guinness goodbye.

Heartbreaker was very different to Gringos. It was a grungy bar with black walls and red lighting, attracted a certain crowd of goths and people with punk spiky hair and dark makeup. It always smelt of sweaty biker men and today was no different – usually they'd start drinking outside and after a few shots the smell would be gone. But it didn't seem like her friends were outside, sighing to herself she prepared to endure the odour of the bar and walked inside immediately spotting Raul who was the only one wearing white dress shirt.

The man flashed his pearly whites and waved her over to the booth. She gave him a hug and he kissed her cheek.

"Sorry..." Billie apologises as she squeezes into the booth beside Peter who laughs and slides over his drink.

"What happened?"

"I completely forgot we were going out tonight" she sighs as she slips off her coat.

"I can tell" Laura says as she blatantly stares at her chest. "Your top's see-through." Billie frowns and looks down at her top, her stomach drops when she sees her boobs staring back up at her from beneath her black lacy bra. She feels her cheeks flush, but lucky for her no one could see her beet red face under the lighting.
"Shit..." she mutters as she slips her coat back on, looking up she meets Raphes eyes for a split second before he looks away, suddenly finding the pictures hanging on the walls very interesting. 

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