The hallways are empty as expected, with closed doors and the gentle streamline of light from the windows that bathed the halls with a type of melancholy he couldn't describe at the moment. The soles of their shoes tapping against the floor with no rush to go home as they walk together in silence before Malay destroys the peace.

"What's that?"

He pointed at the bag Philip was carrying with pique interest, The Pinoy slightly raised the bag to showcase him with a simple shrug "Just some artworks Mrs. France made us do." Malay seems more interested as Philip handed him the bag with no trouble.

"Oh~ artworks? Made by our lovely sunshine? Don't mind if I do." He giggled, teasing the Pinoy as usual while he inspected the canvases with a whistle "Look at that, truly a sight to behold." Philip snorted in response, knowing full well his just fucking with him at this point, Malay and Indo will always make fun of his art because friends are required to be assholes to one another, though, Philip is more fond of it than offended.

"Oh shut it, your tone says it all." he drawl with an eye roll towards the snickering Malaysian as they continued to walk. "Puh-lease, I'm honest with my compliments-" "Your honesty is the equivalent of me saying: I love wearing wet socks." "most people do~ you're not special." Philip looked at him blankly while Malay held up Japan's painting with a grin "Though, sincerely, I like this one a lot."

Philip paused for a moment as he stared at the painting that is not his at all "Well, It's Japan's art so it's granted that you will like it more." that made Malay halt his walking, his stare prolonging at Japan's art in surprise. "Why do you have it then?" He handed the bag back to Philip with confusion written in his face. The Pinoy doesn't understand why he seemed so surprised by such prospects.

"Japan left it in the classroom and Mrs. France told me to give it back when I see him." Philip muttered glancing at the canvases as they finally headed out to the courtyard now in the presence of other students from different ranks "...why do you seem so surprised?" Questioning, he gazed at Malay who in turn shrugged lightly.

"Not surprised, more like- unexpected since he's...I don't know, supposed to be Mr., Perfect?" Philip mewled over Malay's word with furrowed brows. Perfect? Well, he would've agreed since Japan is a perfectionist in a glance but ever since he started interacting with the East Asian once again, rekindling their lost friendship before Philip left gave a sour taste in his mouth that some people characterized japan as nothing more than perfect, let alone his own friend.

"Maybe he was just in a hurry to get to his next class that he forgot to bring it with him." But like a coward he is, he didn't correct Malay. It felt like he was going backwards, a slow descent to his old self that he hated. Philip once defended Timor Leste from Singapore of all people, but this? He has no fight at all, and he doesn't understand why.

Maybe it's just tiredness, the aftermath of that dream that still bothered him fresh? Or the lack of fight in the crevices of his mind at this very moment? Regardless, they reached the gate as Malay patted Philip on the shoulder with an ever-present smile that at least made his mind less foggy as it is.

"I'll see you Tomorrow, Phil...I just hope Indo we'll be with us by then." The Pearl snorted, nudging his friend playfully, trying to give light in a bogged down moment "And then you can kick his ass." "Absolutely, it is by law now.'' After the light hearted conversation, they bid their goodbyes, leaving Philip standing there at the gate with a small smile, still tired, still contemplating.

The buzzing came back slowly, closing his eyes with a deep breath trying to focus on his surroundings, to root himself on the ground of reality rather than what he had been subjected to in that dream. The Filipino hopes desperately that it won't ruin his day further, his emotions tight in his chest like sickness, a heavy burden.

He walked down his usual route back to his dorm, up to the road and passed by the park. The rustling of trees and the whisper of wind circulated through his numb mind, it was as if he was on autopilot, his gaze drinking the images of autumn leaves and swaying grass with an empty mind. He was perceiving but he was not feeling. It was something he couldn't explain in simple words even if he wanted to.

Until he stops, seeing someone far away that he recognized.


The said county flinched, swiveling his head at the Pinoy with wide eyes and a thin mouth. The Pearl almost jolted as well by how fast his movements are. There was a lapse between them, making him worry by how...cold it was. Did something bad happen? He swallowed down his concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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