"You sure it was nothing more than that?" Olivia pressed.

"Yepp, I'm sure."

"Okay babes, whatever you say." Olivia said in the most unconvinced tone.

The five of them sat in silence for a while focused on the game until Harper, Isabel and Naomi all got up and started jumping up and down with joy because Asesnsio had scored to make it 1-0 to Madrid.

"What is it with my rival teams winning their matches recently?" Beth began, "First it was United, now Madrid. Who's next? City??"

"Hopefully." Isabel replied.

"Oh and to put the cherry on the top, I hope Liverpool lose as well." Naomi said with a sweet smile.

"I struggle to understand how you guys have managed to live 20 years of your life together with you guys supporting rival teams." Harper said

"Don't forget, Adrian's a City fan." Olivia added.

"Yeah well the two of us at least agree on our hatred for City." Naomi said.

"Yeah and there's a reason I moved out. Her United and Adrian's City were driving me up. the. wall."

"And you think your Liverpool wasn't driving US up the wall???"

"I was trying to instil goodness into you guys."

"Last time I checked you were trying to turn us into Liverpool fans."


"That's not exactly 'instilling goodness' is it?"

Beth rolled her eyes in response as on screen, Vini scored to make it 2-0 and once again the girls went crazyyy. As Beth and Olivia shook their heads in disappointment Beth felt her phone vibrate on the table next to her.



< Beth and Harrison >

Beth (Beth <3)

Harrison (Harrison ❤️)

Harrison ❤️


dyou rmbr me from yesterday??

from the match

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