Pups Save The Town Hall

Start from the beginning

Ryder: I know you're afraid of fire, but you're the only pup that can runs fast as chase

Blur: But, But, But?!...

Rocky: It's okay blur sometime you need to face your fears

Blur: Alright then...

Ryder: alright paw patrol is on a roll

All pups go into their vehicle and go to town hall

Scene Change

Mayor Goodway: Oh good you here!

Ryder: Don't Worry Mayor Goodway, Marshall Put out the fire with your truck!

Marshall: Got it Ryder!

Marshall try to put out the fire with his fire truck while chase block the road

Chase: Sorry Rescue In Progress!

Marshall: The door is clear ryder!

Ryder: Alright Blur you turn!

Blur: (alright I have to do this no matter what) I her I come!

Blur run inside the building

Blur: Julia, Julius!

Julia and Julius: We Here!

Blur: There you are let's go!

Blur protecting the kids

Julia and Julius get out the building but blur

A piece of wall fall near the door

Blur: Whoa!

Ryder: Blur!, Are you okay?!

Blur: I'm okay ryder!(look back)

Blur staring at the fire remembering her past

Blur: *cry* No! no! (Close His eye) *Cough* I can't... Breath..

Ryder: (use his pup pad) Rubble We need you here fast!

Blur: Why?....

Ryder: Blur are you okay?!

No respons from blur

Ryder: Blur!, you still there?!, Blur!

Scene Change
Blur wake up it's all white and nothing

Blur: Huh?

See a 2 dog silhouette looking at blur and say "I'm still here"

Blur: Wait?!, Mom?!, Dad?! (Blur start running toward the silhouette)

The dog silhouette fade away

Blur: No!, don't leave me!

The White space shattered showing blur past memories and blur fall to dark bottomless pit

Scene Change
At the hospital

Blur: (wake up) Mom!!

Ryder: Whoa calm down blur!

Blur: *start to calm down* Oh a dream, where am I?

Ryder: you In the hospital right now blur

Blur: Huh?! What happen?

Ryder: You trapped in town hall when it's on fire it's good thing that rubble came time

Blur: Thanks Rubble

Rubble: No problem!

Marshall: We Glad you fine

Skye: Yeah!

Zuma: Ya dude, anyway why you Scream?

Blur: oh it's...

Chase: Zuma, we better not talk about it

Zuma: I think you right

The door slap open and outside was Everest

All pups: Whoa!

Everest: Blur! (Run towards blur) are you alright?!

Blur: whoa, I'm fine Everest

Everest: I glad you fine... *blush*

Blur: So when we can back home?

Ryder: Doctor Say tomorrow

Rehan get inside

Rehan: Did I miss something?

Scene Change
At the lookout

Blur Looking at the sea

Blur: Are you still there?... Mom, Dad

Rehan: Blur let's play!

Blur: I'm coming!

Rehan: (don't worry blur you get answers eventually) Come on!

Blur: Wait for me!


Written by Rehan Frontiers

Paw Patrol Unofficial Story By Rehan FrontiersWhere stories live. Discover now