Horizons of Hope

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil town of Vaniville, the echoes of the day's events lingered in the hearts of our heroes. Ash and Serena walked homeward, the latter's ears still ringing with the resonance of Ash's unexpected forgiveness.

She was still unable to comprehend whether Ash said those words out of pity or if they were genuine.

Glancing at the boy walking in front of her, his back turned, Serena found herself unable to read his expressions. Pikachu, perched on his shoulder, momentarily glanced back to ensure she was still tagging along.

An awkward silence enveloped them, both unable to find the right words to start the conversation.

Finally, breaking the tension, Ash spoke with a hint of nervousness. He didn't turn to face Serena but kept his eyes on the path ahead. "So, how have you been?" he asked, his voice uncertain.

Serena's heart skipped a beat at Ash's unexpected question. She hadn't anticipated him breaking the silence, let alone initiating a conversation with her. For a moment, she struggled to find her voice, her mind racing with a myriad of emotions.

"I-I've been okay," Serena replied hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just trying to settle in and adjust to everything."

She mentally scolded herself for being so nervous around the boy she so longed to talk, She watched Ash nodding his head, acknowledging her response his gaze fixed along the path.

As they walked she turned her attention to the surroundings, the familiar streets, now the only light source are the flickering lamps that are located either side of the streets. It looked quiet today for some reason. Looking up the sun has already retired from today's work, as the crescent moon was now twinkling amidst the sea of stars.

Serena couldn't help but feel a familiarity with the path, it took some time for her brain to adjust these new things before her eyes widened in realisation.

She and Ash are walking to her home.


Ash's home is near her house which means that they're neighbours?

The thought sent her heart racing, a blush spreading across her cheeks at the possibility of being neighbors with Ash.

Serena paced a little faster to catch up to Ash, her hands gripped on the sides of her bag, and she gulped trying to swallow her nervousness, as she questioned, "Umm... Ash? Are you sure we're going the right way to your home."

Hearing the question although Ash didn't stop walking, he just slowed the pace, and examined the path, as he too realised that he and Serena are walking the same path for quite a while.

He was confused at first. Glancing around the surroundings that felt all too familiar and then at Pikachu, who just nodded in confirmation that they were walking in the right direction.

"I'm sure I'm walking the same path, I've been living here for a while. Uhh....Are you sure? This is the path to your house?" He asked, avoiding any eye contact with Serena, and walked further.

Serena nodded her head, and spoke in an uncertain voice, "I know I've just shifted here yesterday, but I'm positive my house is this way too...." She affirmed, her gaze then fell on a bus stop, and pointed towards the bus stop adding, "I even took the bus at this station to school."

Now Ash's and Pikachu's eyes widened in realisation, Ash's mind started a flashback of last night where he saw a strand of honey blonde hair flowing, so that means he wasn't dreaming after all. It was Serena! But wait if that's true then..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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