"Thanks, Alfia," Cloud said.

"Hmph," Alfia crossed her arms and stared at me. "You better get a good night's rest. My training will not be easy."

Considering what she's like, I don't expect it to be easy either.


Day 1 - Circuit and Endurance Training

"Ugh..." I face-planted onto the floor the moment I stepped into Katie's house.

All afternoon, Alfia had me go through what basically amounted to circuit and endurance training. As someone who has no memories of seriously working out, I was not mentally prepared. It did help that my body in this life was already fit.

I felt a hand on my back and felt a soothing feeling coming from it. I turned my head to see that it was Cloud kneeling next to me and there was a light greenish glow from his hands. He looked to be using healing magic.

"All things considered, she went easy on the training," Cloud said.

"I guess so." I lay for a moment longer as Cloud healed my muscle soreness.

"Come on," Cloud finished healing and helped me off the ground. "You need to eat. You got more days of training ahead."

"Yeah, yeah..." I said tiredly.

Day 2 - Sword Training

Today was sword training with Cloud. It mostly consisted of sparring with him as he got a feel for my fighting style. I got a feel for how to fight with a sword.

Sometimes, I did techniques or dodged in a certain way that I never knew I could do. I guess while my mind didn't know how to fight, my body still remembered the training it went through.

I still ended up getting my ass kicked.

Day 3 - Calisthenics and Sprinting Training

Alfia supervised my training again.


She's a terrible taskmaster.


Don't run fast enough?

Sound blast.


Not completing the exercise fast enough?

Sound blast.


Grumbling too loud?

Sound blast.

Day 4 - Magic Training

I say magic training... But it was less about learning magic and more that Cloud and Alfia would take turns sparring with me and I could only fight using magic.

Since I told them I kept having small flashbacks of magic lessons in the heat of the moment, they thought this was the best way to train. Keep attacking me and see how much I remember. It had the added benefit that I got to learn how to fight with magic better.



...I wish I had a real magic teacher.

Day 5 - High-Intensity Interval Training

Remember how I said Alfia was a terrible taskmaster?

I take it back. Cloud is even worse than her.

Day 6 - Parkour Training

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