first ultrasound

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"Are you okay, my love?" Taylor asked as she caressed your cheek. "Do you feel alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. I still feel nauseous but I'll be okay." You said. "I'm so excited for this."

"Me too!" She grinned. "I can't wait to see our baby for the very first time."

She leaned in to peck your lips when, suddenly, a knock on the door came.

It opened a second later and you watched the doctor enter the room with a friendly smile.

"Hello! How are you today?"

"Good." You replied. "Naseous but what's new with that?"

The doctor nodded her head with a chuckle.

"Well, considering you're pretty early on in your pregnancy still, I'm not surprised by that. Hopefully, it'll start easing up soon."

"I hope so. I hate seeing her so unwell." Taylor said as she brought your hand to her lips for a kiss.

"Well, how about we see your baby? That'll make everyone feel better."

You quickly nodded your head before the doctor poured some gel onto your stomach.

Afterward, she placed the ultrasound wand over it and started to move it gently.

Taylor was so excited she could barely stand still, practically jumping up and down as she waited to see the tiny baby on the screen.

It took a few seconds before the doctor turned to look at you both with a grin and pointed to the screen.

"Do you see that?"

"That's the baby? Our baby?" Taylor spoke in awe as she gazed at the tiny baby on the screen.

It was so little, just about the size of a kidney bean.

"They're so small." You whispered as you stared in amazement.

"They are but they look very healthy and normal." The doctor spoke. "For eight weeks, I would say they are just where they should be."

Taylor kissed your forehead as she giggled happily.

"Do you see them, Tay? Aren't they so perfect?"

"I do, my love, and they are. I can't believe this is happening, it feels so surreal." She grinned.

"I have one more thing that will make this even more amazing for you both." The doctor spoke before pressing a couple of buttons.

And just a few seconds later, an unbelievable sound filled the room.

It was a wooshing sound and it was very fast.

It didn't take long for you and Taylor to tear up in awe as you both heard the baby's heartbeat for the very first time.

"That's so..." Taylor paused, trying to rack her brain for the perfect word. "fascinating. So beautiful."

"It's them." You spoke as you looked at Taylor. "It's so amazing."

"It is." She said as she put her forehead against yours for a second.

"Congratulations to you both. I'll go get you some pictures."

Taylor thanked her before the door closed as the doctor left the room, giving you both a moment alone.

"Next step, telling my parents and Austin." She said as she squeezed your hand.

"They're going to be so surprised and so happy!" You excitedly said.

"Yeah," She giggled and kissed your lips a few times. "I love you so much, darling. I'm so happy that we're having a baby together."

"Me too and I love you too, baby. We're going to be such good parents to them."

"The best." She agreed as she kissed your forehead. "I can't wait."

She stared back at the screen as the heartbeat continued to fill your ears, both of you so amazed and overjoyed to be moms to this beautiful baby that you both love so very much already.

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