Carley: sure . Good to keep you some things off your mind, you still write in your note book

Izuku:yep It's still a hobby of mine but it's more then just a survival book now it's about us and the fallen I want to include everyone we met so everyone can know their story.

Carley smiles: yeah don't want to forget the good people.

The continue walking heading towards the others a Walker pops up from the trees Carley takes her gun out but izuku stops her he aims he's crossbow and fires it killing the Walker with headshot, it goes down and he walks up to  it leans forward and grabs the arrow Carley walks next to him

Carley: you gotta teach me to use the crossbow

Izuku chuckle: you're thing is guns

Carley: yeah well it's not like bullets are gonna come falling from the sky.

Izuku: true . Tell you what I'll write it down as are next step for training okay.

She smiles and nods they then see Clementine, Duck, Christa and omid. Duck spots them and waves he's hand they wave back Carley turns her head a little looking at izuku and Snickers he turns with raise brow

Izuku: What?

Carley: Nothing it's just we gotta cut your hair again broccoli

He blushes and looks away

Izuku: I'm fine okay walker hasn't grabbed it yet .

Carley: oh my gosh you're such a baby Clementine has no problem with it.

Izuku rolls he's eyes: okay mom I'll cut my hair jeez!

Her eyes widen izuku didn't notice what he said and continues the Walk Carley smiling even more decide to tease

Carley: mom A.

Izuku blush: hey now I .. okay well... Be quiet.

Carley: oh my precious little broccoli boy.

Izuku: oh my God stop please!

They finally made it to the others they see izuku grouchy experience.

Omid: what's wrong with him?

Carley: he's fine just being a grumpy.

Izuku: I am not!

Carley: ah wears that cute smile at hu?

Izuku couldn't help but give small smile at the woman

Carley: their you go.

Izuku: yeah. yeah  so we're we heading to now.

Omid and  Christa told them about a bathroom up a Mile thinking it could be a good place to clean up the group agree and walk onwards with Christa and omid taking the lead Clementine next to izuku and Duck talking into Carley missing ear.

Izuku hopes this Wellington place is real our at least something good come their way he remembers what Daniel said how everyone fates are sealed well he saved Duck and Carley he'll keep on doing it . No  matter what nothing is going to stand in he's way of keeping the people he cares about safe.


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IZUKU In Telltales TWDG SEASON 2 Where stories live. Discover now