I hated when that happened because it meant I'm not gonna think about anything else for the entire day. It was just a few questions that came to my mind. If she's okay, who are her friends, how is the first day is going for her. Things that i always thinking about in the middle of the day.

I don't even know how to start describing who is Grace. But i decided to clear my mind and leave it. I knew very well it doesn't matter what I'm thinking, it wouldn't change anything anyway.

"How is my little Haley doing?" Jonny irritated Aiden with talking about his little sister again.
Haley is two years younger than us, and Jonny have a pretty close relationship with her.

They're good friends for so long, and Jonny just like teasing Aiden for that.
"You better keep her name out of your shitty mouth." Aiden's smile disappeared very fast.
"Get over it already," they didn't stopped,

That was just a joke, but every time it happens i feel like Aiden is truly pissed off.

Ali was a few steps after us, we all stopped walking when she did. We heard a lot of students talking in a big group and thought it was normal, but then Ali went to see what's going on, and acted like she saw a fucking alien from space.

"No!" She screamed with joy, her legs got weaker,
And she looked like she's going to faint.
I thought we're gonna have to hold her so she won't fell on the floor or something.

"I cant believe!" She kept screaming and we couldn't see her anymore from where we were standing. I didn't know why, but i had a feeling about what happened there. Not a bad one, but i felt like something serious was about to happen.

"Stop it. I can't believe man!" Aiden ran into all of them and started yelling, If Aiden ran and yelled in front of other people, i knew for sure it was serious. Aiden is not an extrovert guy.

"Where have you been, oh my god. I can't believe you're here!" Ali's voice broke, she was about to cry. Her reaction could have led to one thing only, but i felt ridiculous I even thought about it.

I stood there alone, scared to move my legs for no reason. I didn't know what i was supposed to see there, And the thoughts that was filling my head nonstop wasn't helping.

Is that possible that she's here? I thought to myself. I felt like a little girl, and I'm not acting like that usually. But when it's her, i just getting weak. I hate this feeling more than anything.

The students crowd scattered, and i almost choked there. I felt like there isn't any air in my lungs, and I'm about to fall on the ground.

Grace was there. She stood there with the biggest smile I've ever seen. And she was gorgeous.
And different. I didn't saw or heard from her for five years. And she was there, in front of me.

The knots in my stomach tightened and a lump formed in the back of my throat. My body just froze. That never happened to me before.

Everyone was so excited, except me.
I couldn't move. Suddenly everything was dizzy, and my hands started to shake. I felt like I'm gonna throw up everything I ate that morning.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, and my mouth was still open. It took me a long time to process that she was standing in front of me.
She's not hiding from me anymore, she was a few steps away. My brain just stopped working, and i felt so distant, like I'm in another universe.

Stop acting like a sick person, i kept telling myself in my mind. That's exactly how i felt.

"Mason! What are you, a fucking sculpture? Come say hello!" Jonny yelled at me chuckling from excitement. I wanted to go, but I physically felt like I can't. I couldn't just go and talk to her like nothing had changed.

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