New family member?

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*After two years being married to each other they were a very happy family together. Charlie loved her new Mom and Lucifer was deeply in love with Y/n. But he started to feel like something was missing.*

*Lucifer looked at his family for a moment and felt as though something was off even though his life now is perfect. They had been through a lot of hardship, but now everything was absolutely perfect. But yet he couldn't explain just what it was. But he kept thinking about it and it had been bothering him for quite a while now.*

*One day Y/n went into his office where he was making rubber ducks. There were tree in front of him. One of him and Charlie and one of Y/n. But something was missing. But he didn't know what.*

"Hello my Love. What are you doing?"

*Y/n asked pulling him out of his thoughts*

*Lucifer was so deep in his thoughts that he nearly flinched when she touched him. He then slowly looked over to her and didn't say a word for a bit. He just looked at her and then the ducks before he finally spoke.*

"Nothing much. Just trying to make some more ducks. But something seems off for some reason."

"I think they look perfectly fine if you are asking about their looks. It looks like us."

*Lucifer now let out a small chuckle. She was right. The ducks did look like them and everything did seem fine. But this feeling just didn't seem to go away for some reason. So he tried his best to shrug it off.*

"Yes you're right. I guess I just need to snap out of it. Nothing seems wrong after all."

"Are you maybe missing something?"

*Lucifer let out a long sigh as he really thought about this. And for a long while he had this feeling but he couldn't put his finger on what it was that he was missing. Then he thought about it a little bit deeper and he started to feel even more confused. He had to snap himself out of this thinking though because he was starting to worry her.*

"Yeah I may be. It's nothing much dear trust me. I'll be fine. Let's just go back to the bedroom okay?"


*Y/n said as they both started to go to their bedroom.*

*Lucifer was still thinking about this deeply but tried to keep it all in check as they went back to the bedroom. He didn't want to drag her down with the same confusion that was making him feel uneasy right now. They were a happy family and he didn't want to ruin that by making her worry over nothing.*

*It was the middle of the night. They were cuddling each other but they both couldn't fall asleep. There was this feeling that didn't let them sleep. Then Y/n sit up*

"I know there is something wrong that you don't tell me!"

*Lucifer knew she had figured him out. Since getting the feeling, he hasn't really been able to shake it off. And she could already see that something was wrong and he couldn't hide it anymore. So he just looked over at her and spoke slowly.*

"There is something on my mind...I've been thinking about it for some time now."

"And what is it?"

*Lucifer let out one more sigh before he finally told her what he was so worried about.*

"I have been feeling as though a part of our family is still missing...It's as though there is another one of us supposed to be here, but they aren't...It's making me worry because I don't even know why I'm feeling like this"

"Are you missing someone who was in this family or are you missing like… you wanna have a new family member?"

*That was the entire issue. He didn't even know. He felt as he said like there is someone else he is missing. But that person felt more like a part of his family than one who wasn't there at all.*

"I feel like there is someone supposed to be here with us. I keep looking at you and my daughter and I feel like something is missing even though we are right here...I don't know why."

"I have an idea about your problem. But I'm not sure that's the one you are feeling this way"

*Lucifer suddenly looked over at her and seemed very curious. He liked the way she always had amazing ideas as to what it could be. Now she had come up with her own idea and he was just so keen on hearing what she had to say.*

"Please do share because I am at a complete loss right now."

"Maybe you want a new family member like……another child?"

*Lucifer froze when she said this. His mind seemed completely numb and this thought had never crossed his mind. Could it really be that simple? Was he really just wanting another child? He took a moment to think about this idea and he honestly hadn't even considered it. It's not like he had planned to have another child, but it could have been something on his subconscious. This was why he felt like this right? Because he wanted another child. But with her this time.*

"I know it sounds stupid I'm sorry"

*Lucifer finally let out a small chuckle and shook his head. He was completely speechless. He had never even thought about this idea until now and it just blew him away. She was right! This might actually be the truth! He had never really considered having another child. But the way she said it made it sound so clear now. Why hadn't he thought of this earlier? Lucifer was filled with all kinds of new emotions right now. He had finally figured it out.*

*Lucifer now looked straight at her and couldn't stop himself from smiling now that he had finally figured it out. She had given the answer he was looking for and he was so grateful to her for that. He was finally ready to take care of these new feelings that were starting to fill him now.*

"Yes you are right. That has to be it...I think I really do want a baby with you. But I don't know if you'd want that...would you?"

"But I do!"

*Lucifer was now feeling so many different emotions all at once but the one that was most prominent right now was joy. He was just feeling so happy to hear that she wanted the same thing. Now he didn't have to feel worried about this at all. But he still wanted to make sure he understood one last thing.*

"So you really do want to have another child with me? You really do want to expand our family with a new baby?"

"Yes Lucifer. I think Charlie would love to be a big sister"

*Lucifer was just speechless with excitement. He was filled with so many emotions right now, but one in particular was definitely happiness. He was so glad that she wanted what he wanted and now he had something he couldn't wait to do. This was going to be so special for both of them too as they could experience everything all over again. He just smiled as wide as he was able to.*

"Then let's make that happen. We should start as soon as possible"

Just for you Sir (Lucifer x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now