4. The map

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Homeless and no safety, Sarah dropped onto her seat. Jim couldn't do anything about it, just standing there, rubbing her back.

"I am sorry Jim. This is my entire fault."

"Don't say that. Whoever they are, they won't find us here."

She shook her head, remembering the old man, bringing up her memories. It is only a matter of time till they find them and Sarah knows that. She has known him for a few years, aware how dangerous he can be. Trying to change the subject, Jim asked about Silver, on how she knew him. Her shoulders got tense, afraid of that question.

"I saw him as he burned down my inn."

"Don't lie mom, I pulled you along as we escaped. Not even I noticed who that was. You know him from somewhere else."

"Jim, it doesn't matter now. Right now, we have to stay hidden, who knows when they show up again."

A sudden knock, made them both jump. Did they find them already?

Sarah trembled as Jim went over to the door, only to see it open on its own.

"Those tools are quite useful ya know."

A relieved sigh escaped their lips, it was only Silver. However, now they are three people on the run. They can't hide forever and Jim knows that. Sarah looked with wide eyes, as he left the hotel room.


A sudden cyborg arm blocked her way "Let him go. He knows what to do."

"Since when are you this caring? It never bothered you before."

Silver looked at her with concern, "I always been caring...when there is something to fight for. But you never paid any attention."

"Don't get soft. I know you are up to something. I am warning you; keep your distance to Jim and me."

"Too late lass. The dogs are back on track and you know what they will do to you...and your son."

As much as she hates it, Silver was right. Fighting with another won't help them. With a deep sigh, she accepted him to join them for the time being. Morph, the blob, finally awake from his slumber, greeted Silver. Rubbing around his neck and cheek, the man began to smile, "Ah Morph, its bee too long old friend." Sarah watched, as this pink blob turned into a tool. Silver used him to get his screws tighter. She didn't notice at first, but she couldn't remember so much machine parts on him.

"What happened to you?"

Her caring voice startled the cyborg, "My, aren't you bonny when you are concerned."

She refused to comment that. He raised his arm towards her and straightened his foot for her to see, "Sometimes you do anything, when chasing a dream."

"The treasure planet?" she guessed.

He began to laugh, "true, I been after this treasure for a long time."

A sudden sound outside made Silver stop laughing, "Well I shall be off. Let's hope we meet again...Feline." She didn't say anything, looking away. Getting his hat, he turned back to her one more time, "A treasure doesn't just mean gold and diamonds lass...there are also other things...that is worth to fight for." With that, he left the room. Sarah assumed that he meant Jim with that. Her son never mentioned his name, but described him more or less. Even so, she didn't recognize him through Jim's description.

Happy to see him return save and sound, another two people followed him. Dr. Dobbler and Captain Amelia stood at the door. "Miss Hawkins, this is a crucial situation. We heard that you are in a possession of a map. What kind is it?" She froze on the spot. Jim had to snap her out of her trance, before she could explain.

"...a treasure map..."

"Of what?" demanded Amelia.

"Of a dangerous diamond, known to curse everyone that ever touched it." Dr. Dobbler could not believe his ears. Acting like an actor on stage, he began to tell the legend of Captain Flints most secret treasure of them all, hiding away from the world. Jim, excited to hear it, began to get excited. Another adventure for them to find that...

"Don't even think about it!"

Sarah's hard tone stopped Jim's train of thoughts. She knew him very well.

"I didn't do anything."

"Get that smile off your face. We are not going to get that diamond. There is a reason for it to be hidden...and it should stay that way."

"The curse?" guessed the Doctor.

She nodded. Captain Amelia however, demanded to know where that map is. Jim was just about to tell them about the inn being burned to a crisp, as Sarah interrupted.

"On my back."

"HUH?!" nobody understood the message. Embarrassed, she asked Amelia to see it for herself, barking at the boys to turn around. The captain's eyes went wide, like she had just seen a play ball for cats, "Fascinating. But the lines are extremely deep, didn't that hurt?"

"It hurts...and never heals."

Amelia went over the scars, "But it is healed."

"Only from the outside."

"Who gave you that?" This question was too much for Sarah...she refused to answer. Full dressed again, the men turned back around. Jim was worried of his mother's condition. She looked unwell, even worse after she showed the scars. In his childhood, he couldn't remember his mother to have ever showed him her back; it was always covered with fabric. But he did notice her wincing in pain, as he hugged her as a child, touching that very spot. She always told him that she had back pain. Now he knows the real reason. The captain and Dr. Dobbler agreed on one thing. They were sure, that those men will hunt her down to get that map. In this case, they have to get that treasure for themselves. Sarah got angry, "Didn't you listen? The diamond is cursed. No one should get his hands on that demonic item."

"Exactly..." added Jim, "...we have to find it first...so no one will ever find it again."

Dr. Dobbler grabbed Sarah's shoulder tenderly, "Think about it Sarah, when the diamond gets placed to another place, the map will be useless and no one will ever haunt you again."

At that point, she wished that this could work...but will it truly happen?

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