2. Memories and secrets

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A chill went down Sarah's back. After all this time, someone had actually remembered her about her past...something she denied to do for a long time. She didn't even notice Ben, waving his robotic arm in front her face.

"Is everything alright?"


"Do you know this man?"

Her gaze followed his finger, pointing at the door he went through, "I...I...I don't know." Her mind was spinning, not able to get a clear thought. However, this was the moment to get back to reality...Jim just came through the same door. Instantly, the crowd cheered loud, "WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!" Smiling pleased, Jim raised his chest a little, revealing all his medals. The one he tried to impress the most, was his mother. Disappointed, he saw her at the bar, looking irritated.

"Mom, are you alright?"

"Jim...I didn't see you come in."

The loud cheer woke everyone up form their slumber, it surprised him that she didn't notice. Looking concerned, "Did something happen?"

Sarah forced out a smile, "Of course. I am just tired of all the work."

"Why don't you lie down for a while? We can talk later."

Taking his advice, she left her son with his friends. Not before hugging him tight, "I am so proud of you."

Jim didn't notice, as she went down the basement. Grabbing a few items out of the chest, she tip toed upstairs. Closing the door, just to be sure, she opened the tiny box. An album, where all of here photos had their special place. From her wedding day, till the day she gave birth to Jim and so on. Putting the album aside, it was the several photos inside the box, which caught her interest. They presented her past. She was on a ship, surrounded by several men, with the same confident smile on their faces like hers. She never thought that she would ever think back of those memories. They weren't bad, but here she was, wasn't bad either. Her fear was more of her son's reaction. How would he think of her past? They finally had a stable relationship as mother and son. Would this destroy everything?

Sarah didn't want to risk it, keeping the past her secret.

Thankfully, Jim had never asked her about her previous life. His father never told him either. A feeling of anger rose inside Sarah. She gave up her past for her husband...only for him to go back to his old life before they met. There were only a few moments, where she could share the memories with her son that was when he was demanding good night stories. She even got him the book he began to love: the adventures of Captain Flint and his famous treasure. Although, she never wanted to tell him the truth, because she knew, the treasure planet existed. She should know, she was there...a long time ago. Jim would never believe her that she did. She was sure; he would never imagine her as an adventurer of the galaxy. Sarah knew about the dangers that awaited him there, but Dr. Dobbler had his special charm to persuade her. Still deep in thoughts, she stared out the window. It was raining all day, just like on that one day...were she changed her life completely.

On the moon, rumors were making quite a scene at the harbor.

They say that there was another treasure of Flint that is even more valuable than everything on treasure planet. He hid it elsewhere on purpose. This special item was known, as the black pearl diamond, a pitch black sparkler, holding a terrible curse for pirates. Inside ones hand, it looks like the black spot, a pirate's death sentence. Even so, no one cared for the curse; all they wanted is the diamond. The man, that talked to Sarah, arrived a while later the inn. The scratchy cat was known for a hideout for pirates. It was the only place, where the police didn't enter, unless a fight erupts. A group of men were already waiting for him to tell the news. He sat down, ordered a beer and began in a slow voice, "I found her. You won't believe it. Sarah Feline owns her own inn and has a son."

The others were speechless, but grinned in response.

The man continued, "Are you sure she has what we need?"

One of the group spoke up, "Bootleg, don't left her appearance fool you. She may look fragile, but inside, she is a fearless fighter." Someone else of the group laughed out now, "Yeah you said it Snitch, I never met a woman that had the guts to go one on one with Captain Flint."

Bootleg nodded, "A brave but foolish woman, wasting her life as a landlady."

The man, Snitch, shrugged unimpressed, "As far as I am concerned, she can rot in that place...all I want, is that part of the map she owns." The table next to the group sat another man, hiding under a cloak. He listened to it all they said.

Snitch wanted to know what her last name was now. Bootleg chuckled creepy, "Hold your horses...Hawkins."

"Wait...she didn't actually marry that good for nothing soldier?!"

Bootleg nodded at this, "You better believe it bonnet. I couldn't believe it myself."

Snitch shushed them both to be quiet, "Anyway, we need that part of the map. We will attack the inn in the morning. Destroy the place, search every corner you find, burn it if you like afterwards. No hostages, except Feline...until she hands out the map. Understood?"

"And her son?"

Bonnet answered for Bootleg, by sticking a knife into the table, "He will be my new dart board." They all grinned evil before leaving the scratchy cat. The man next to their table had also left the place, taking the next flight to Montressor.

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