5. Spaceport

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With Captain Amelia and Dr. Dobbler they could afford to buy a ship, but they had trouble to find a suitable crew in Crescentia. Remembering the last one it was not wise to just pick one blind. Sarah and the others stayed at an inn for the night thinking of their next plan.

Unaware that a bunch of men were watching them through the window.

Not much of a surprise considering their next teammate is none other than the robot ben. His loudness caused everyone to look their way. Speaking about keeping a low profile, thought Jim. Grabbing the robot by his neck he told him to shush it. Sarah tried to hide herself behind Dr. Dobbler while Amelia straightened up and ordered everyone to mind their own business. This whole situation is serious, they had to hurry up with their plan. Captain Amelia gestured everyone to get closer at the table till everyone can hear her whisper perfectly, "I called upon every captain at the pier, no one has a crew available except the untrustworthy kind. Here is what we do...we get everything ready for the voyage and we deal with this ship on our own."

Jim finds this plan unusual, "We are not enough be a crew."

Amelia told him otherwise, remembering how they escaped treasure planet with only a handful of people, "We can make this work. Everyone will pull their own weight or we not going to make it."

Sarah nodded at this, "It is best to leave early in the morning. Currently the worst kind remains asleep."

"How do you know that, Mom?" asked Jim surprised.

"Ever seen one entering my inn in the morning?"

Jim shook his head, remembering that they come in in the late afternoon and stay after midnight. As a child he was told to stay upstairs during that time. Dr. Dobbler also remembered that and was thankful that not many came to Montressor. Which left them no choice but to get every supply right now before they close their shops. With the amount of people, it was impossible to stay together. Their only chance was to go in pairs and into separate directions. Everyone received a guide on where the ship is now. Sarah, Ben, and Morph left for food, while Amelia got the guns. Dr. Dobbler and Jim took care of the extra supplies like blankets, clothes, and other stuff. No one was comfortable with this decision as Sarah went through the alley of Montressor Spaceport. It was shady and very dangerous for everyone, especially as it was getting dark.

Amelia had no trouble to find the right place that sells weapons and in all nothing seem to be worrying her. She got a few rifles and pistols and headed towards the ship. Jim and Dr. Dobbler got the hammocks and blankets for the trip. For the rest they had to get back to the market.

Unlike Sarah and Ben, who had trouble to find a suitable market for food supplies. The ideal ones for a long voyage were expensive and not enough was provided for their crew. Most ships already bought them early this morning. The seller offered her to wait till tomorrow, but this was out of the question. She had no choice and got only the minimum of food for everybody. Ben carried them all in one massive bag. Morph flew over the buildings and guides them towards the ship. It was all going so well until two men blocked her way.

Ben removed the bag off his shoulders ready to fight them while Sarah stood there frozen. These men, she remembers them. Before she could react the two attacked the robot. Morph transformed into a hammer and hit one man on the head. Ben used his decapitated head and threw it at the other man like a dodge ball. Accidentally he hit him in the groin. Slowly, he fell to the ground. Ben went over to Sarah who was still standing like a statue. He shook her lightly, "Sarah...Sarah?"

Her eyes began to blink, "Wha...huh?"

"What happened? You spaced out just now."

Sarah wanted to reply as a shadow appeared from above. It flew towards her taking down the robot with him before landing before Sarah. Morph looked worried turning into a metal staff. Unlike her previous state she suddenly moved fast grabbing the staff. Instantly she fought the man who used two knives to attack. Her moves were flawless and quick, as her body knew these techniques for years. Her expression was also turning from fear to a glare. The man had trouble to defend himself gaining several hits against his chest and neck. Ben was trying to get back together at the time not sewing the fight. Sarahs body moved on his own hurting the man even further. She reached till that point as he threw away his knives and begged her to stop. Her eyes showed no mercy whatsoever. Sarah held up the staff ready to strike.

Inches away from that man's chest, the staff stopped.

Sarahs body came to a halt as her hand was held by Silver, "That is enough lass."

Silver lets the man escape as Sarah breathed hard, feeling the reaction of her body. The old pirate lets go of her hand, "You almost killed that man."

She breathed in slowly, "Why are you here?"

He was there before they got to the spaceport. Silver knew Sarah would try to find the treasure, "To have your life back you need to find that black pearl diamond."

"I know that" she spat. Slowly the staff faced the pirate, "And you will not get it".

Silver laughed out loud, "Why would I want this curse on me? No treasure is worth the risk".

"To find his treasure was enough though" she said while gesturing to his robotic limbs.

"Don't you trust me, Feline?"

Her eyes turned dark, "I never trust a pirate!"

Silver smiled at that, "You were one yourself. But then again, was it worth to trust a soldier?"

Sarah gasped. Some of her memories returned to her, "You don't know anything." Pushing Silver aside she left for the ship. In the meantime, Ben had got back together to follow her. Morph was still shaken by Sarahs violent behavior earlier, although he didn't hesitate to greet Silver before leaving.

The old pirate was now alone in the alley.

In an instant he held up the two pirates from before on their throats, "I told you not to mess with her."

The last one collected his knives, choking for air, "She looked like a damsel in distress, who knew she would be the savage feline we all remembered in the past."

"Bootleg, you had your chance."

The other two backed off as Silver turned his arm into a weapon, shooting Bootleg on the spot. He had his last chance to get back his life before the black spot in his hands was his final death sentence. Silver gave him this opportunity to prove himself worthy of living and he failed miserably.

Silver sighted, "Sentenced by theft and killed by stubbornness. Your old dog had it coming." He turned to the others, "Snith, Bonnet, get the guy ready...we need a ship for this hunt."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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