25 | roof roof roof!

Start from the beginning

He blinked harshly, gathering himself within seconds. Before him was Haruka, his face drowning in vengeful wrath. The puny twig had the nerve to punch him. Haruka launched another fist, grunting a faminish war cry. Denji dogged it in seconds and revved uo a punc of his own. An uppercut went flying straight into Haruka's chin, and the connect rang a crunchy sound.

Haruka flew back into the television with a whimper. His hands grabbed onto the television in support, the atennnas sent in disarray. He hissed a disgruntled noise, his feet seeming to tremble beneath his weight.

(Y/n) rushed in, her hands cupping her face. "Haruka!" She screeched.

Haruka whined childishly, shutting his eyes like an injured puppy.

That was it?
It only took one hit?

Denji blinked.

Haruka's shot his index at Denji. "You asshole!" He barked. "Do you know how long it took for me to even kiss her! Two whole months! It took you a day, and you gallivant yourself by taking her all the time!" He spat. (Y/n) grabbed his arm, desperately trying to pull his body away.

"Stop it, Haruka!" Her eyes were bleak with frustrated tears.

Denji, in almost orge-like fashion, stared in idiotic confusion. "Did you walk all the way down here?" He asked.

The hair dryer stopped.

"Yes!" He hissed. "That's not the damn point!" Haruka said. He was finally able to recollect himself, rolling his jaw in his mouth. He shrugged (Y/n) off, rushing and grabbing a fistful of Denji's shirt. Denji let him. He knew if he sent another punch, the small guy would've been crippled. (Y/n) probably wouldn't like that.

"Yeah, so?" Denji huffed.

"You better back off, pal! I'm the leader of the Chainsaw Man Church! I'm not an enemy you want to make." He spat.

"Okay. No." Denji said.

"I'll declare you an enemy of Chainsaw Man. They'll rough you up." He gritted.

"Well, I am Chainsaw Man, so."

Haruka's face warped, his jaw falling open in shock. He blinked rapidly, his grip losing. "You stupid-- You're so stupid." He poured all his passion into the word, finging it like it was derogatory. He pinched his temples, shaking his head. "You can't be serious. This guy's real dumb." He trembled.

"I am Chainsaw Man." Denji huffed.

"Infuriating mongrel! You're an idiot. (Y/n) Look at him. He's an idiot. What reason do you have to choose him over me? I'm smarter than him!" Haruka let go, shooting around viciously.

(Y/n) stammered, her eyes wide and panicked. "I love him." You said.


"Are you done." Denji shook his hands off him.

The bathroom door flung open.

The sound of rattling chains filled the air. "Denji!" Nayuta cried. Nayuta shot two bullets into the forehead of Haruka and (Y/n), their bodies falling on their knees to the ground.

Denji tensed, stepping away from Haruka. "Nayuta? What did you do." He turned to her. Haruka started barking, his sound ridiculously pitiful. And (Y/n) started to meow. "Turn them back." He stammered frantically. They collided with heavy noises, as Haruka's barking caused the dogs in the back to burst into the room. The flurry was distracting, overwhelming as his girlfriend and her ex started to hiss and bark at each other like animals.

That, and he really didn't like when Nayuta controlled people. It stressed him out.

The young girl shrugged hee shoulders, stepping beside Denji to access the damage. "What happened?" She huffed.

"I dunno. This dude barged in!" Frustration filled his words.

"Do you know him?" Nayuta squatted next to Haruka, snapping her fingers at the teen. "Bad dog!" She hissed. The boy shut up with a final, grunting bark, sitting back on his butt. "Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done." She pointed at the wall, hardening her face.

Haruka squinted his eyes, crawling pitifully towards the corner with a sulk.

"He's (Y/n)'s boyfriend." Denji said.

"What!" She said.

"Meow." (Y/n) whined butting her head against Nayuta. The girl wrapped her hands around (Y/n), patting her back as she stated up at Denji.

"What do you mean, boyfriend?" She asked. The dogs barked and rushed about the room.

"It's a long story." He scratched his head.

"Well, you can tell it to me after you take a bath." She hummed.

"Wait, turn them back." Denji huffed, crossing his arms.

"After you take a bath! And fix the TV! Chainsaw Precure rerun is on in ten minutes." Nayuta turned back to (Y/n), running her hands down her back. "Who's a good girl." She grinned.

"You promise you'll turn them back." He gritted, his fists clenching.

"Roo-Roof!" Haruka barked.
"Shut up! Your corner time is not over!" Nayuta yelled back. Her head cranned as she looked up at Denji. "Huh? Yeah, sure, I'll turn them back..." She mumbled. "Or something... Fix the TV." She pointed.

Denji's face crinkled.
Guess he'll hurry it up then.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now