Elsa 35

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Many do not know the story of Agent Elsa 35 is a sad one filled with heartbreak and love.
The first mission the Agency had was to kill a doctor. Agent 1 was the leader in the mission. Right before he was going to take his shot the doctor was rushed into a labour. The team took all of their stuff and went into were the labour was taking place.

Agent 1 just killed the doctor and the witnesses except one. The mother who had just given birth.
"What are you waiting for kill her." Agent 3 said.
Instead Agent 1 went to the mother. The mother was going to die due to the labour she gave Agent 1 the child.

"I know you can give her a better life style then I ever could." The mother said and then fell into a deep sleep and died.
"You know what we have to do Agent 1. Kill the boy we have enough to worry about not some big."
"It is not a boy Agent 2 it is a girl."

And just like that Agent 1 walked off and took the child.

One year they still did not have a name. They tried all of them but none seemed like names a daughter of the president of the Agency worthy. Annalise, Joice, Felice, none of these names seemed right. Agent 1 was just about to call her Stacy when he tripped over a book about a girl with a frozen heart and decided that is what a child needs in this cruel world. That name was Elsa.

"Yeah that sounds good."

And from being able to walk she was trained to be a killer assassin. She was being vaccinated to be immune to all poisons. Elsa was taught by her father for four years. And when she was seven she went on her first mission. And that is wen she met Jack or soon to be know as Agent 39.

First I will tell you how Elsa met Jack and then I will tell you how Jack met Elsa. We will first read how Elsa felt by using her point of view.

Elsa pov

This is so EXCITING I get to go on my very first mission.

The job is simple all I have to do is kill this one drug boss. Super easy. No not even a little this is my first actual kill.
Sure I have killed fake people before but what if I get nervous and miss my shot and they will shoot me. It does not sound great. Or what if this is a fake assassination. I don't have to worry about that I'm a kid they won't even know.
"You ready Miss35"
"Yes Mr.Dunbroch"

Dunbroch is the person who is supposed to watch and care for me in every way. Like my father. My father loves me though why else would he do all this stuff and take me after some mother just gave him a baby and still keep me around.
OK getting in the truck. There are agents here 5 times my age. I wonder if they are mad that I got the job and not them. No I am a good agent why would they think that.
"OK princess I know you think your a good agent and can kill but really we all know you can't so just go ahead can handle it from here"What are you talking about I am a great agent you'll see Agent 11"
Ugh who does he think he is I am 7. You don't talk to a 7 year old like that. My goodness. OK we are here. I'll go kick some butt.
In the ally where is my informer. Are they always late I hope not. Oh I see someone but he looks my age a little older. Is he the informer?
"Hey the boss is waiting for you kid and did you bring the item"
An old man said to that kid I wonder who the kid is?

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