Chapter 7: Sweet Tooth

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Later that night, The Chief of Police approaches the cathedral. He knocks acoded rhythm, and two monks open the great doors.

"I've come to make a confession." The Chief said.

The Chief walks down the aisle to the confessional as the other monks process around the Cathedral, chanting in Latin.

"You sound great, fellas. Keep it up." The Chief said.

The Police Chief slips into the confessional, next to Father Julius.

"Forgive me, Father, for I havesinned. I have had a hundred and fifty of these since my lastconfession." The Chief said.

A small hatch opens in the wall between the priest and penitent. The Chief slides a chocolate through the hatch to give to Father Julius.

"Temptation is very hard to resist." Father Julius said.

Father Julius eats the chocolate.

"Send me down. I'll see you later." The Chief said.

Father Julius presses abutton, the Chief's hall of the confessional starts to descend, which is a secret elevator. The secret elevator drops down into the crypt. A female security guard stands by a huge vault door at the end and opens it.

 "Good evening, Chief. They're all waiting." The Female Security Guard said.

"Thank you very much." The Chief said.

The Chief steps through into the vault. Pipes, valves, andgauges line the walls like a high-tech machine room.Miss Bon-Bon is writing in a green ledger while Slugworth, Fickelgruber, and Prodnose relax as they all were waiting for the Chief.

"Good evening, gentlemen! I brought my invoice. One chocolatier moved on for the usual fee." The Chief said.

Miss Bon-Bon takes the invoice as the butler gives him a box of chocolates.

"Oh. Here we go, baby. There's a good stuff. Yeah." The Chief said.

"Tell me, Chief..." Slugworth said.

"Mm-hmm?" The Chief asked.

" would you like to earn a few more of those?" Slugworth asked.

"Oh, I am listening." The Chief said.

"We think that Mr. Wonka requires a little more than simply moving on." Slugworth said.

"Oh." The Chief said.

"He's good." Slugworth said.

"Too good." Prodnose said.

"What's more, he only charges a sovereign a chocolate. So anyone can afford them, even the... You know, the..." Fickelgruber said, but lost his tracks.

"The poor?" The Chief asked, finished the sentence.

Fickelgruber retches and raises a handkerchief to his mouth.

"Oh dear, I've just been a little bit sick in my mouth. Could you please refrain from referring to that demographic in my presence?" Fickelgruber asked.

"He doesn't like it when people say, poor." Prodnose explained to Chief.

Fickelgruber retches again.

"Sorry, Felix." Prodnose said.

"We want you to send Wonka a message." Slugworth said.

"Backed up by physical force." Prodnose said.

"That if he tries to sell chocolatein this town again, he's liable to meet with a little accident." Slugworth said.

"In which he dies." Prodnose said.

"Yeah, no, I... I got that already." The Chief said.

"You don't have to keep saying it." Fickelgruber said.

"Just making sure we're all on the same page." Prodnose said.

"Well, no one's on your page." Fickelgruber said.

"What's that supposed to mean? Well, I know what it means... Actually, what does it mean?" Prodnose asked.

"Gentlemen, please. So what do you say, Chief? Do we have a deal?" Slugworth asked.

"Well, listen, fellas, I'man officer of the law. I can't just go around roughin' up your competition. I'm sorry." The Chief answered.

The song, "Sweet Tooth" begins playing that Slugworth, Fickelgruber, Prodnose, and the Chief begins singing the song.

Well, now, Chief
I can see that you're a man of integrity
Thank you
But ask yourself this

Have you got a sweet tooth?
I do
A hunger that you have to feed?
Have you got a sweet tooth?
I do
Well, we've got everything you need! (Mmm)
Don't give me that conscience nonsense!
It's simply quid pro quo

Slugworth shows a hundred boxes of chocolates to the Chief.

So, a hundred of your favorites?
Sorry, I'm afraid it's no!
Promised the wife I'd cut down on chocolate, you know
I gotta get in shape for the policeman's ball, so-

But think about your sweet tooth
I do
I've had it since I was a boy
Your naughty little sweet tooth
It's true
The only thing that brings you joy

Don't look at your waistline! It's fine! (C'mon)
Who needs to see their toes?

The men shows seven hundred of chocolate boxes to the Chief.

Seven hundred boxes?
That's a lot of chocolates (Mm-hmm)

"Gentlemen, let's give it the big sell." Slugworth said.

Gentlemen, let's give it the big sell
Have you got a sweet tooth?
Me too!
Have you got the hots for chocs?
I do really, yeah
Do you think that candy's dandy?
Oh, yeah
Well, we've got lots and lots and lots and lots and lots!
Why am I singing?

f the wife's complaining
It's amazing what a tailor can conceal
Keep your wretched chocolates

Slugworth shows the 18 hundred chocolate boxes.

18 hundred boxes?
Oh, deal!

The song ended as Slugworth and the Chief made a handshake for their deal.

"Wonka" by Mariah PiconOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant