Chapter 4: Hoverchocs

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The next morning, when dawn breaks over the glittering dome of the Galeries Gourmet. It's just before ten, and the smart, snooty shops are beingreadied for the day's trade. Window blinds are raised andcanopies unfurled in unison.Then, on the stroke of ten on the big clock, uniformed doormen opened the gates.Willy makes his way past affluent shoppers to the center, hetouches the pocket where he keeps his old bar of chocolate and looked at the empty shop building from yesterday.

"Here we go, Mama." Willy whispered to himself.

Willy takes a deep breath, then leaps on top of his case. Willy stands his cane on the ground, where it magically stays upright. He presses a button to make an arm flip out from the side and a tiny flag embroidered with 'W' unfurls unimpressive.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Galeries Gourmet, my name is Willy Wonka, and I have come to show you a marvelous morsel, an incredible edible, an unbeatable eatable, the likes of which this world has never seen. So quiet up and listen down. No, scratch that, reverse it. I give to you, the Hoverchoc." Willy explained to the crowd.

Willy showed a Hoverchoc and played a little tooter. Daphne and Noodle, who happen to be passing with their laundry cart, stop to watch the show with the audience. from a few feet away. Willy starts singing the song, "You've Never Had Chocolate Like This (Hoverchocs)" to perform.

In a jungle near Mumbai
There's a little hoverfly
Whose wings go at a thousand flaps a second, that's no lie
These microscopic fleas
Like chocolate more than leaves
And when asked nicely, lay precisely one little egg in each of these

While singing, Willy magics a jar of the Hoverchocs from his hat to surprise the crowd. Attracted bythe disturbance, three sinister men named Slugworth, Fickelgruber, and Prodnose, come to the windows of the offices above their respective chocolate shops to watch the scene.

When it hatches from its shell
It gives a happy yell, "Woohoo!"
How thrilling to be living in a chocolate hotel
It beats its wings with glee
And then as you will see
The chocolate will levitate and float most gracefully

Willy opens the lid, and the Hoverchocs quite impossibly rises up from the jar until they hang in the mid-air.The crowd gasps in amused, Prodnose spit out his hot chocolate, Fickelgruber was shocked, Noodle was surprised, and Daphne chuckled while Willy continue singing.

Well, there's chocolate
And there's chocolate
But only Wonka's makes your eyes pop out their socke-lets
Put your hand into your pocke-let
Get yourself some Wonka chocolate
Come now, I insist
You've never had chocolate like this
No, you've never had chocolate like this!

Once the song ended, Daphne, Noodle, and the crowd burst into enthusiastic applause.

"Bravo! Bravo!" The audience shouted, happily.

"Thank you." Willy said.

Mr. Slugworth was watching the scene with his secretary, Miss Bon-Bon.

"Miss Bon-Bon." Slugworth said.

"Yes, Mr Slugworth?" Bon-Bon asked.

"Call the police." Slugworth said, giving order.

"Very good, sir." Bon-Bon said.

Mr. Slugworth turns to leave his office. 

"Now, who wants to try one?" Willy asked the crowd.

"Me, please!" A Woman shouted.

"Wonka" by Mariah PiconWhere stories live. Discover now