💌*•bad mood•*💌

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My boyfriend Mason has been in a horribleeee mood recently, whenever i tried to ask him about it he would just ignore me or tell me to fuck off. I didnt know if it was because of how much filming he had to do or what.

Today i went to his house and when i got there he was playing Fortnite with i could guess was miguel and jacob. After i had been there for about an hour and scrolling on my phone, i got the 10% warning, I got up and walked over to mason before wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. He just moved away and asked "what?". "ok grumpy.. can i use your charger i left mine at home."
"no, im using it"
"i have 10 percent, pleasee"
"bro i dont care no."

I walked out of his bedroom and went to his sister brooks room. We were pretty good friends so i know she would let me use hers. I knock before hearing her say i can come in.
"Hi brook,"
"Hiii, whats up?"
"can i use your charger for a little bit"
"what's wrong with masons?"
"nothing he's just being a bitch about it."
"tell me about it he's been grump all week"
"yea, can i use it? ill just plug it in and leave it here."
"yea thats fine"
"ughh i love you thanks"
"i love you too, now go knock sone sense into that kid."
"will do,"

I walked back over to masons room really wanting him attention, i havent seen him in forever and now that i can hes being so rude.
I sit on his bed and watch him play for a little while before going behind him and playjng with his hair.
"can you not, your gonna make me lose."
"my bad."
i place my hands on his shoulders and kind of on his neck
"can you just go away?! oh my god bro."
I stand in front of his tv, "can YOU stop being a dick?!?"
"Yo your gonna make me die!"
"i dont care!"

"Just move and stop being clingy and do something with your life! Like damn bro your mad fucking annoying move!"
"fuck you mason."
I take off the sweater i was wearing, HIS SWEATER and throw it at him, I put on my shoes and storm out of his room slamming the door shut behind me. I start to cry and walk to brooks room to get my phone, "thanks brook." Before she can respond im walking out and leaving the house.


"Fuck!" I say before kicking the chair i was on not too long ago to the ground.
I put on my slides and run after Y/N easily catching up to her. Getting soaked by the rain on the way. I grab her by the waist and turn her around before smashing my lips onto hers. She pulls away saying "go home mason.".
"im so so so sorry Y/N, im being an asshole, i didnt mean to yell at you. Your the most amazing person ever and I LOVE when your clingy, even on my worst days. maybe it doesn't seem like that but i promise to you its true, I love you so so much please forgive me." i say not letting her go. She starts to cry even more "do you mean it..?"
"i mean it more than anything."
Y/N kisses me once more "i love you"  she states

"i love you more sweetheart."

590 words


𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 <3Where stories live. Discover now