Torn out..

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Torn out..five neck and my limbs are pulled out..
For them I have never been enough..oh god this soul is burnt out..
I hear them..Inaugurated me as an angel..then treating me as if I have fallen out..
In their eyes I shall always be the devil..the puzzle with only one piece missing out..
Now they pray..oh god save us from that is an abomination..we trapped it in pain and it screamed out!
No longer obedient as it should is no longer what we thought out!
I pray with them..I am just too tired of being (it)..
The imperfect human, the fallen devil or the angel in a form of flesh..which they thought it was me..but oh god..I freaked them..because on earth only tainted souls exists..
I pray with have a definition..a true one..I yearn to be someone..only then I can fight my way out..

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