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June 27th '23

staff undernights sucked, granted there were only one per session but still addy didn't want to stay at work any longer then she had too. at least they were paid for overtime work. tonight's undernight was to get the camp ready for color wars. This summer addy and micah were co captains of the yellow team and two kindergarten counselors were captains of the blue team. addy was fairly excited as they had the counselor draft and micah took it super seriously. it was endearing to see micah get so hyped over something so unserious. she giggled to herself at the irony and how in a few days she'd be watching the nhl draft that decided someone's future over her silly little camp draft that decided what color her coworkers had to wear tomorrow. even when she was sitting in front of her co workers ready to announce the list that her and micah created on facetime at 1 am last night, her mind still drifted to connor whenever it could. connor and his stupid little smile were gonna be the death of her.

"and with the first pick for the 2023 color wars draft is maya weissman for the blue team," micah's leg bounced in tandem with addy's, both were nervous that this pick would mess up their whole game plan. they knew they were the second pick but micah was prepared as he had assumed that the blue team was going to pick issac first as he was tall and decently athletic, but he was kinda a dick meaning that the pair did not want to deal with him. instead they opted for leah, the csu freshman who walked onto the women's soccer team. still they weren't inside maya or ben's head so they couldn't be sure that was the route they were going.

"our first pick is going to be from group 13 issac newman!" maya shouted. addy felt a nudge on her shoulder as issac walked up from the table. they were eating dinner under the art tent while two makeshift podiums were at the front of the large tables. micah and addy had their plates on their laps as they were seated next to the podium. in between the two podiums there was a bin of camp branded bandanas in each teams respective color. addy turned her head towards micah whose hand was outstretched for a high five.

"good luck" micah whispered as addy slide her plate into his lap. not only had she convinced micah to dress up tomorrow, she had managed to get him to go matchy matchy with her tonight. they both were wearing yellow and black plaid pj pants and black tops. she had assumed her and micah would be a terrible duo but they ended up becoming best friends. she had even considered telling him about connor.

"alright with the second overall pick, the yellow team picks leah from group 9," leah's head perked up when she heard her name. addy handed her the yellow bandana and leah responded with a hug.

"thank you! we're gonna so destroy this" leah said as micah lifted his fist for a bump which she happily complied. and just like that the rest of the draft flew by. micah had gotten a little butt hurt when his friends were drafted onto blue but he went sneaky a drafted a bunch of lifeguards early on. on color wars the whole staff including camp directors had a massive relay race that the campers loved and the staff took incredibly seriously. last year the yellow team had lost by three seconds and this year micah was out for revenge. each team was sat around a campfire roasting marshmallows as the captains were figuring out who went where for the relay.

"alright so obviously leah's gonna get event 36, score three goals, and i vote tori and gabe do event 7, diving for rings," addy whispered to micah who nodded and wrote them down. there were 40 events in the relay and 17 counselors on their team. as captains they were required to do event 40 which addy was not looking forward too. her and micah had to swim across the pool and ring the bell which wasn't too hard but it was stressful. she was also given event 15 where she had to jump and grab a post it note on the wall, which she would excel at due to her skating training. and excel they all did, the yellow team won by a whopping 7 seconds. addy and micah donned in their matching pikachu onesies had gotten a leg up on the other team during the rock climbing challenge, as it turned out the archery director was an amazing rock climber, and the relay win combined with all the other points the campers had earned throughout the day, had secured the yellow team win. still it was exhausting and addy's onesie was damp from her wet clothes underneath it and her hair was still a little stained by the color powder from the color run they did. addy was so tired she forgot to text connor luckily for both of them he was wide awake in anticipation for draft day

June 28th '23 12:30am



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_addybatler YELLOW ON THREE!!!!
tagged @/mkaplan2006, @/leahrose5, @/mweissmen, @/issac.newman, @/bengoldstein18, @/counselor1, @/counselor2, @/counselor3, @/counselor4, @/counselor5

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bengoldstein18 i cooked you in uno
_addybatler convinced you cheated 🤷🏻‍♀️
bengoldstein18 ur mad
mkaplan2006 who won color wars again???
bengoldstein18 smd
_addybatler #burned

tybatler27 those pikachu onesies were the move frfr
mkaplan2006 they got so hot tho
_addybatler we had to take them off to do the color run or else we would've suffocated
tybatler27 🫡 power to you

@/leahrose5 there is so much powder on face in the 7th pic even my snot turned purple
counselor3 still finding yellow everywhere
counselor2 very thankful i got out of it
issac.newman the front of shirt basically turned black
mkaplan2006 whoever was holding the purple had a vengeance against us
_addybatler still salty maya covered me in the blue
mweissman ur blocking my shirt in the pic but u literally got me back

@/mweissman petition for ben to let me do his makeup again
bengoldstein18 absolutely not
mweissman why cuz u were scared of the mascara
bengoldstein18 i wasn't
mkaplan2006 me when i lie youre actually so cutie
_addybatler 😘

bedsy_98 i want a full recap on this later
_addybatler aye aye captain 🫡
pozzi.47 who tf is this??

Summer Speaks
i'm mono free!!! sorry this chapter is super filler, it wasn't even planned lol just wanted to build up more addy and micah plus i needed a buffer from last chapter to this one because next chapter is BIG it's draft day baby! thank you all for the love, all your comments make me so happy and i'm glad you are enjoying this

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