Family Business

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Xisuma tried to rest his feet by leaning on the counter. The rest of the checks were printed out and he set them in their own trays with pens. There were only three patrons left in the diner, either sitting around or scrambling to finish their food. Joe and Mumbo always seemed to be there, finishing something. Recently, they started to talk over the back of their booths. It was nice they weren't as alone anymore.

Today, there was a short blond man sitting in the corner. He had seemed anxious since he had arrived, five hours before. And even as much as Xisuma pushed, he didn't stand for a little. All the others did for at least a few seconds. Silas would even sit down for a minute when instructed.

The other two muttered 'thanks' as Xisuma plopped the checks onto the tables. "You gotta go soon," he leaned on the last man's table, setting the tray down.

"I know, I know," his leg bounced. "Can I stay for just a few more minutes? Please."

"I can give until I shut the lights off. Which is...ten minutes. You'll have to sit by the door."

"Yes, thank you. Thank you so much!" There was a smile.

Xisuma looked around and sighed, "Are you waiting for someone? I can leave a note, since I do live just next door."

"I, uh, no. No. Don't worry." He shook his head and looked back out the window.

That was one of the least convincing arguments ever made. Either way, Xisuma had things to do. He just pushed off the table and walked away. A little more cleaning up later and he finished out the bills for the other two men. They gave tired smiles and left the building. The blond's bill was paid but he continued to sit in his booth. When instructed, he did move to the door, but didn't leave the building.

Minutes passed and Xisuma finished his cleaning. Lights were shut off and most doors locked as he herded the other man out. With one final look, a napkin was stuffed into his hand.

'If you see a man with brown hair and green eyes, give him this.' There were some possible letters or other symbols under it that meant nothing to him but maybe a lot to another.

Xisuma just sighed and watched the strange blond man run off into the warm night. He kept it neatly in his hand and walked home, which was a one-story house (with basement) just across a large patch of grass. The note was placed onto the table next to the door before he went off to bed.

There was a knock on the front door some hours later. Some creepy time after three in the morning. Crickets chirped and dogs howled in the back as Xisuma quietly shuffled to the front door and slid off the door chain and slowly opened the door.

Floppy brown hair, green eyes. "Hello? You own the diner, right?"


"I was meant to meet my...friend there and I wasn't able to show. He likes to leave notes with people nearby," he sighed and had a disappointed look on his face.

Xisuma gave the napkin to the man.

The other smiled and held it close, "Thank you. Sorry if this was trouble."

"Oh, I don't open the diner. So it's not affecting me much." Xisuma waved the man off. He looked back into the dark house.

The man nodded and smiled. He gives a small word of thanks before heading off into the night.

7:15 in the morning and Xisuma takes his apron off of the hook and ties it around his waist.

Silas takes a break from the hash browns and stares at his brother, "What was the commotion last night?" Like always, he's favoring his right leg.

Family Business [ONESHOT]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant