chapter 17 the party

Start from the beginning

Your mistake baby " she said .

I hate you " i said .

Now don't spoil your mood just ignore him as much as you can " said Trisha

Yes offcourse I will " i said

Let's drink something " said Trisha

We goes to the drink counter Yash was also there. Yash made shots for us

Hey I think I should not drink . Last when I get drunk i vomit on a boy . And offcourse It was with you Trisha " i said .

It will not happen again that time was your first time . I doesn't happen in second
time  " . She said .

Come I'll take care of you just have one drink " Yash said

Reyansh's pov

Hey hey listen ruhi she's at the drink counter now it's your turn to get her drunk I'll handle the camera " i said

Just don't mess it up like last time " said veer

Shut up " said ruhi .

Ruhi goes beside her

Hey can you make a shot for me also " said ruhi to Yash he made a shot for her she drink it.

It was not so hard . Let me make one for you all you'll love it " Said ruhi

She made a very hard shot with very less water and gave it to everyone.

Wow that was good said Trisha drinking

Let me make make one this time " she made a full net shot.

No I think I am good " said Aisha

Hey you only had one drink , what's the point of coming to a party then here take
it " .. said ruhi offering her the drink

After taking this shot Aisha was totally drunk ruhi gave her two more drinks and she's almost done..

Hey ruhi come come I called her and she came towards me

Everything done " i asked her .

Yeah now your camera " said ruhi

Aisha took two more shots and now she's getting drunk ..

Hey Aisha you are drinking too much " said Trisha

Trisha I love you , you are the only person who doesn't hurt me " said Aisha all drunk.

Who hurt you Aisha " said Trisha

Everyone Trisha, first my mom then my dad they both hate me , i thought after running away from my toxic step mother , i would be happy, but life doesn't want me. I hate my mom dad . They both abandoned me . You know even my brother stopped texting me and calling after getting into a relationship. I know he's busy with work and life but atleast he had someone I have nobody... I hate you ... " Said Aisha taking one more shot

Hey hey Aisha okk just put it down " said Trisha snatching the drink from her hand

No no I want shots more shots call ruhi tell her to make a very hard drink for me .......
No no don't call her otherwise his bestfriend will also come that Ansh he's so rude I hate him also but do you know he had a very good body ooooo my god but I still hate him he's bad " said Trisha in a drunk state drinking more.

Trisha tries to snatch the drink from her hand but suddenly the glass fell  and Aviraj came there.

Hey what's happening here Aisha are you okay " said Aviraj

She's just drunk " said Yash

Why you even let her drink if she's not used to it " said Aviraj.

I thought that... Yash was saying something and aviraj cut him off and he held Aisha's hand going towards the hallway..

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