chapter 8 met an old brat

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Reyansh's pov

Hey buddy " said veer giving Reyansh a high - fi

Hey man where were you from 3 days ,
Guess what I fucked that little Neha  , she even proposed me and I left her naked in the room rejecting her "  I Smirked.

Wow man she literally told me that she will have her first time with her husband and until then she won't date anyone. " Said veer

Well look who's standing infront of you " i said.

Yeah yeah Reyansh Malhotra the great " shouted veer.

Hey Ansh hey veer " shouted ruhi coming towards both of them .

Hey hey come here I'll tell you something, said veer .

Ok guyzz I'll leave you now I have my practice. I said and I left both of them there.

I was just enjoying my own company I was listening song with my ear buds in my ear and peacefully walking in the college corridor when a girl came running towards me and bumped into me and I fell and she also fell in the other direction her files and books were all scattered on the floor.

Hey wtf are you blind girl " i shouted at her as she damage my whole peace of mind

Hey sorry, I am really sorry I am late for class can you plzz help me in picking up these " She said

Help you first just listen yourself before saying anything just get lost " I said leaving her there.

After the practice

Hey how's the practice " said veer

It was good coach appreciated me for giving my best in champions match . He said i can make a good career in football if I play like this in all match " I said in a very not so good tone.

Dude what happened if everything went good then why you are so angry " said veer

I told them everything what happened in the corridor

But who's the girl " asked ruhi.

You remember ruhi the girl yesterday to whom the nerd of 2nd year proposed after we took his notes " i said

Yeah is she that girl " said ruhi

Yes " I said

She seems to be mad when I saw her yesterday in first sight i gets her
behaviour "  said ruhi.

What are you ? A astrologer or A psychiatric just stop blabbering ruhi " said Veer

Hahahahaha very funny " said ruhi .

So where are we going today I am telling you guyzz today I am not drinking the regular bear I want mocktail shots today as I am very angry " i said .

Let's buy the alcohol and go to our usual spot , Said Ruhi.

Aisha's pov

Hey Aisha why didn't you come downstairs for lunch here eat it " said Trisha.

I told you I am not hungry " i said

I know just eat otherwise you'll get sick " said Trisha .

Do you know what happened today , i was late for my class and i was just running towards my class when I bumped into that Ansh named boy . he is so arrogant dude he didn't even help me in picking up the files and books I asked him for help and he just insulted me " I said .

I told you to stay away from him from the very first day " said Trisha.

I know.... Do you know I got a job today but it's a babysitter job . today I just met a lady
On the grocery shop and she was asking the shopkeeper about a babysitter. So I just volunteered for it . she said that I can go to babysit her daughter after my college as her daughter goes to school .
She will give me 7000 per month " i said .

Hey that's good ok let's go out today, let's celebrate " said Trisha

No plzzz " i said

Yesss just get up I'll ask bhai to join us " said Trisha

Okk fine I'll get ready " I agreed.

At the club

Hey we will leave early as I want to do my assignment " I said .

Just shut Aishu don't make me angry " said Trisha and she goes on the dance floor.

I am thirsty let's drink something Avi " i said.

I was just enjoying my drink and talking to avi about my college when suddenly someone throws a paper ball on my head and when I looked around it was a boy.

Hey what are you doing " said Aviraj.

Looks like you didn't recognise me well its not your problem bcoz I have gained a lot of muscles now " said the boy.

Hey I don't know you so whosoever you are I am not interested in knowing your gym life " I said and i was just leaving but he stopped me .

Okk Okk don't go let me introduce myself, I am Yash . La Montessori school, same batch , and the same brat who eats your tiffin daily and teases you  " he said

Ohhhh Yash is it really you, you have really grown up now , you left the school after 6th class "  I said .

Yes yes my dad got transferred here so we left kasol and shifted here , literally Aisha it feels so good to see you here I miss kasol and specially the school so hows everyone " there he asked.

Well you already know I don't talk to anybody so I don't know about them but I am still in touch with Trisha infact she is here, hey .... See there she is dancing " i said .

Okk okk i remember you were an introvert back then " he said

Hey come guyzz come here let's dance " shouted Trisha from the dance floor .

Okk coming let's go avi and Yash " i said .

love and destiny Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon