4. New life (s)? Are born.

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Heizou wakes up in alot of pain it was 7:47 am and his boyfriend wakes up and snuggles with him and heizou snuggles back with him kuni says. "Morning my love.  are you alright?" heizou responds with "no not really I feel weird." his boyfriend responds. "In what way do you feel weird."   "I don't know how to describe it.."     "Just try to describe it to me."  as soon as kuni said that heizou feels something dripping down his legs and he knew his water broke and looks up at his boyfreind and they immediately went to the hospital which was abit of a quicker drive then expected and they soon had to prepare heizou for the birth process I the labour room. kuni had to stay waiting till they were done and it was taking along while it felt like hours when kuni was waiting and hearing the love of his life in the other room screaming and crying but he couldn't do anything about it and continued to have to wait hours it was now 9:30 am. And he was still waiting for them to be done but they still weren't eventually kuni fell asleep while waiting for his beloved to be finished in their meanwhile heizou who was in the room was struggling to birth his baby so many issues were happening like it getting stuck constantly or running out of breath and it kept going back in but he still kept trying his hardest he was almost done pushing the baby out fully the head was out all he needed was the body and he gave the biggest push he could and gave it all his energy and it finally came out after a long battle the nurses in the room got the small scissors and cut the umbilical cord off the baby and cleaned it up and it was crying very loudly in the room and it was a healthy baby girl and they dressed up the small baby and handed her to her heizou (the mother ofc! 1!1) and finally kuni got to see the baby and his boyfriend and he immediately went over to heizou and gave him a kiss on his forehead and said. "You did great love now you have a beautiful baby just laying in your arms." "so. Tired.." heizou. Responds and he was feeling very tired and he still felt pain. "I still feel pain for some reason.. "That's weird. maybe it's an afteraffect?" " maybe. " heizou responds." I still feel like something is still in me. "
"Weird." kuni responds he's worried abit for heizou.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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