Chapter 9 An Old Friend

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Narrator's POV

Philia was walking in the hallway with Mal and Indo until the two of them were staring at the window, Philia felt worried about the two so she asked them a question "Guys? What are you staring at?" Philia asked. But the two did not respond so Philia look at their direction but saw nothing. She became curious and started to go to the window and started searching.

As she was searching, somebody push her causing her to fall. She did not panic since she have fall before from the military. As she was closing her eyes so she can't feel the pain until. She felt like she is not falling anymore. When she opened her eyes she saw a familiar face. The guy look at her and Philia look back "are you okay angel?" The guys asked. "I-Isra?"

Israel then put her down to the ground while Mal and Indo was relief and is going to check on Philia "Isra! It's been so long since i last saw you!" Philia said with a hug. "I'm glad your safe angel" Isra said and hug Philia back. Philia broke the hug and saw the person who pushed her, she saw her smirking. She has a red flag with yellow stars in the corner, as she was observing the student until Mal and Indo then came and created a group hug with Philia worried about her
"Girl we we're worried about you!" Mal said worriedly "I won't let you close to a window again" Indo said. "She should stay away from China not the window" Isra said. "Thanks for saving her" Mal said. "No problem I'm just glad angel is safe" Isra said. "Umm...can i ask for your name?" Indo said politely. "I'm Israel, Isra for short. I'm an Asian" Isra said. "Hey, I'm Malaysia, Mal for short. I'm an Asian" Mal said. "And I'm Indonesia, Indo for short. I'm also an Asian" Indo said. " must be the rice gang everybody is talking about" Isra said. "Yes we are the rice gang A.K.A (also known as) MaPhilIndo" Indo said. "Wait a second...they are talking about us?" Philia ask. "Yes angel they are, I guess the trio of yours is popular" Isra said. "Yeah I guess..." Mal said. "What about we all hang out at lunch break?" Philia suggested. "Yeah let's hang out!" Mal said. "Sure angel" Isra said. "Great let's meet in the cafeteria" Philia said. "Sure meet you there" Indo said.

After that they all went to their classrooms

When Philia reached her class, she sit in her chair. She just noticed that Spain was in the back of her seat, Philia don't notice Spain in here first day at this class since she was so nervous to even look at her back. The teacher is not at the classroom yet so students were just talking until Spain stand up from his seat holding a rose. The students then look at him curiously of whose that flower for until he hand the rose to Philia "a beautiful flower, for a beautiful lady" Spain said. "Thank you Spain" Philia said and get the rose from Spain's hands. After Philia get the flower from Spain, he then winked at her that cause Philia to be curious since nobody has done that before to her. Spain noticed that and just smiled at her. They disturb when the teacher came in the classroom "sorry for ruining the romance of you two but it's time for class" the teacher said. "What romance?" Philia asked. "Oh and innocent student aye? Spain don't be a pervert to this innocent student" the teacher said. "Don't worry I was just giving her a flower" Spain said. "Please be seated Mr. Spain, class is about to start" the teacher said. Spain then sit on his chair and class started

Lunch Break

Philia was walking in the cafeteria finding for her friends while holding her food. She then saw Indo waving at her in a table, Philia then sit next to Israel then put her food in the table "why are you late for lunch?" Mal asked. "You do know you can't be late for lunch right?" Indo said. "Well in school there is time for lunch, like what if you are late for lunch and din't get to eat but it is time for class?" Mal said. "Hmm...true, true" Isra said. "Oh c'mon we all know there is not such thing that you can be late for lunch" Indo said. "Oh no they are going to start another argument" Philia whispered to Isra "are they always like this?" Isra questioned Philia "yeah they are, I am the watcher, Mal and Indo are the actors" Philia whispered to Isra. "What do you mean by that?" Isra asked. "Well it means I watch every move they do so I can stop them when they are having a serious fight" Philia whispered to Isra. At too much whispering they don't notice that Mal and Indo are screaming at each other "No you are the one who is wrong Milo addict!" Indo shouted. "No you are very wrong Indog!" Mal shouted back good thing Philia was there and she stop the fight. The two stop fighting and they continued eating. When they were finish and it still not class time, they decided to go to the garden

When they arrive at the garden, they sit under a tree and started talking and admiring the beautiful flowers around them. Mal is holding a flower in her hand and smelling it at the same time, Indo and Israel was talking while Philia was feeling the beauty around them until...


The bell ring which means they have to go to go to class. They all leave the garden and say their good bye's and go to their class

Philia's POV

When I reach the classroom I saw Japan siting alone feeling a little down so I came up to him and sat beside him, but he is still down "hey...Japan are you okay?" I asked. "Y-yeah ofcourse I'm okay" he said. "No your not" I said. "Yes I am" he respond. "Don't lie please" I said. "H-how did you know?" He asked. "'s all written in your face Japan" I said. He just look down. I then realize that he has ears and a tail. I was so curious if it's real so I touch his ears gently so I can't hurt him "umm...w-what are y-you d-d-doing?" He asked. "Sorry I was just curious and besides it looks so cute" I said. He became red and I started to think that he had sick "hey Japan, are you okay? You feel sick"I said. "what do you mean?" He asked. "Well...your pretty red" I said. "Really!" He said. I then nod then he covered his face, but I still touch his ears since it's so soft. He look back to me but his face is still red. "Why are you red?" I asked him. "N-nothing" he said. "Anyways where is the teacher?" He asked. "I don't know maybe the teacher is late" I said. "Your right...himawari" he said. "Aww that's sweet of you" I said which shock him. "W-wait... You can understand that!" He asked. "Yes I can, I learn a bit of Japanese" I said to him which made him so much red. The teacher then arrived and Japan face to board quietly but still red

After School

I was walking at the hallway holding the rose that Spain gave me, until... Spain pinned me in the wall "do you need something Spain?" I ask. He grab the rose from my hand and put it on the top of my ear "that flower looks pretty on you mi amor" he said. "Thank you Spain" I said to him. His face was getting closer to mine until Isra arrived "what are you doing to angel?" He asked. "Just looking at her in a better view" he answered. "Right..."he said with not believing Spain. "I'm just gonna escort her to her dorm" he said. "I can do it, she is my roommate after all" he said. Isra din't listen to Spain and grabbed my hand and we started walking away from him "do you know where my dorm is?" I asked him. "Yeah I know" he said. "How?" I asked. "Well... I know that Russia is one of your roommates and I saw him enter a dorm" he answered. We keep talking until I reach our dorm "Thank you Isra but you din't haemve to escort me here" I said. "No worries my dorm is nearby anyway" he said. "Where is your dorm by the way" I asked. "Over there" he pointed at his dorm "room 109" he said. I thanked him again and he left then I saw Russia, Japan, Spain and America. I closed the door then they greeted me "Hello there Himawari!" Japan greeted. "Hello Japan!" I greeted him back. "Who is that guy Sunshine?" Russia asked. "Oh it's an old friend of mine" I said. "What is his name?" Spain asked. "Oh his name is Israel" I answered. "Ohh that guy...I'm actually one of his allies" America said. "I'm just gonna change my clothes real quick" I said leaving them in the. living room

Narrator's POV

When Philia left the 3 countries stared at Russia "what?" Russia asked. "Your being kinda soft lately when Himawari is around" Japan asked. "So?" Russia asked. "You have a soft spot on her don't you?" Spain asked. "So what is wrong with that byalts?" Russia asked them again. America then fixed his shades and trunk to Russia "you like Mahal don't you?"

I'll be ending it here. What do you guys expect Russia would say? Find it out in the next chapter

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