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Upon catching the scent of his mate, Adam restlessly stood up, looking at her with a mix of anger and love. Despite the resentment for being abandoned, betrayed and locked in a cell, the sight of Lady Erica brought a spark of happiness to him.

Lady Erica stood outside the grim cell, her expression a twisted mix of disgust and resentment as she observed Adam lying amidst the dirt and squalor.

Adam, weak and malnourished, managed to speak with bitterness, "You locked me up, Erica! How could you treat me like this?"

Anger flashed in Lady Erica's eyes, and she retorted, "If you weren't locked up during my wedding and mating ceremony, you would have spoiled everything! I wouldn't be marrying the prince, becoming the future queen."

With a devious smile, she unlocked the cell, bending down to him and feigning interest. Her fingers lightly traced his face, and she said, "Despite the broken mate bonds, I can still see a hint of love in your eyes," noting his longing reaction towards her touch.

Frustrated about his failure to eliminate Elora in time, Lady Erica slapped him, "You had one job, Adam! You failed me."

He tried to explain, "I'm sorry. It wasn't that easy. I'm not familiar with the castle yet, and I get lost most of the time. Stalking and killing isn't easy when you're lost. You also are to be blamed because you deceived me and locked me up."

She angrily shut him up, "Enough excuses! I'll give you a second chance. You better not mess it up this time."

Releasing him from the cell, she assigned him to the clinic, lying to the doctor about him being really sick. Before leaving, she warned him, "You're lucky I'm giving you another shot. Get better, Adam. I have plans for you."

In the early hours of the next day, as Alpha King Cedric reviewed the coronation oath for Prince Alaric, he sat in his study, anticipating his morning check up. The royal nurses, Loveth and Edith, entered, carrying a tray with various medical instruments.

"Your Majesty," they bowed.

"How are you today?" Loveth inquired, preparing for the routine examination.

King Cedric sighed, "Sleeplessness continues to plague me. These restless nights are taking a toll."

Loveth nodded sympathetically, jotting down his complaint. "It might be due to the preparations for the coronation. I'll ensure to adjust your medication, Your Majesty."

Meanwhile, Elora entered the king's study, approaching hesitantly. "Valerian roots should help with the sleeplessness, Your Majesty," she bowed.

Confusion filled the room as everyone wondered why Elora, who now serves Lady Erica, was present.

The King chuckled, "Elora always has the best herbal remedy for me. It's a pity you're with Lady Erica now. Hope you're taking good care of her?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," she replied.

Observing Elora's unexpected presence, the King inquired, "Seeing you here, there must be an issue. What is it?"

Elora sought permission for a leave. "Your Majesty, I've come to request a brief leave. I've caught a bad flu and need some time to recover."

Concerned for his staff, King Cedric granted the request, "Of course, Elora. Take the time you need to get well. We can't have you spreading illness in the palace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Elora replied, expressing her gratitude before excusing herself.

As Elora departed, content with providing a remedy for the king's sleeplessness, Loveth turned to Edith. "Make sure you gather valerian roots and help the cooks include it in the king's meals."

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