With a look of disgust, she retorted, "You are just a Delta, almost a mere Omega. What gives you the right to enter my chamber without permission in my husband-to-be's palace? Don't you know I'll be queen soon?"

Falling to his knees, Adam apologized, "Erica, I'm sorry. I know if I were an Alpha or Beta, you would have told the world that I am your destined mate. Instead, you lied, claiming I was dead. I'm sorry for being in a lower rank."

Smirking, Erica responded, "Well, you're dead to me, so there isn't any lie in that. You think if you were even a Beta, I would have had anything to do with you? I'm accepting only Alphas as mates; anyone less than that is dead to me."

Shivering on his knees, Adam pleaded, "But... but you marked me."

Angry, she kicked him in the stomach. "That was my wolf's doing, not mine. The stupid bitch couldn't keep her paws to herself." Within her wolf, Lyra whimpered at how wrongly her human treated their mate.

"But you aren't bad in bed anyway," she smirked.

"Stand up," she shouted as she walked towards her bed, undressing and lying down.

"Come and make your queen feel good, like you did the night you were marked."

Adam rushed to his mate, happy to be with her. His wolf was angry at how they were being treated, but there wasn't much he could do since they had been marked.

Lady Erica awoke in the dim evening light, finding herself beside her mate, Adam. A twisted smile played on her lips as she observed him, her mind filled with a malevolent plan. She couldn't resist the urge to exert her dominance.

Pushing Adam away, she sneered, "You're lucky to be by my side, you Delta. Don't forget your place."

Adam, still groggy from sleep, tried to reach out to her, but she recoiled.

"Your purpose is to serve me," she declared coldly. "Now, listen carefully. I want you to eliminate a nurse named Elora, she is the destined mate of Prince Alaric and she will be an obstacle to me. Get rid of that Omega, and make sure no one finds out."

Conflicted, Adam hesitated, his loyalty to his mate warring with the darkness of the task she demanded.

Erica's tone turned threatening, "If you refuse, I'll kill myself and you'll live a miserable life without a mate. You'll lose everything."

A mix of fear and resignation crossed Adam's face. Reluctantly, he nodded in agreement.

"That's what I thought," Erica sneered. "Now, get out before anyone find out about us and do what you're told. Don't disappoint me."

As Adam reluctantly left the room, Erica reveled in the power she wielded over him, knowing she had set a dangerous game in motion.

The next day arrived, and Prince Alaric and Lady Erica were to greet the Alpha King and Queen Luna. As they exchanged pleasantries, Queen Luna, looking concerned, remarked, "My dear Erica, you seem pale."

Erica, masking her true intentions with feigned vulnerability, having put in a lot of effort to appear sick, replied, "Oh, indeed, Your Majesty. I've been feeling under the weather. A nurse would be a great comfort."

Alpha King Cedric suggested, "Why not have Elora be your nurse? She can attend to you and ensure you feel better in no time, as she is the second nurse in charge of my health."

Shocked by this suggestion, Prince Alaric felt uncomfortable with this arrangement.

Luna Queen Regina added, "It's an excellent suggestion. We wouldn't want you falling ill right before your wedding. Elora, ensure Lady Erica is well taken care of."

Elora bowed respectfully, responding, "Yes, your Majesties."

Lady Erica, secretly pleased with the success of her scheme, graciously accepted. However, she acknowledged the risk in her plan. As Elora held the position of assistant head nurse of the King, there was a higher probability that the king might offer her the role. If that didn't unfold as expected, Lady Erica would find herself with another nurse, potentially derailing her entire scheme.

"Thank you, Your Majesties. I appreciate the concern. Elora, I look forward to your attentive care."

"It's an honor, my lady," replied Elora

After the exchange of pleasantries with Queen Luna and King Cedric, Lady Erica and Prince Alaric proceeded to the grand chamber of Alpha Magnus to pay their respects.

Entering the spacious room adorned with regal decor, Alpha Magnus looked up from his throne, assessing the demeanor of both. Lady Erica beamed with joy, delighted to see her father, while Prince Alaric, uncomfortable with recent developments, maintained the expected decorum.

"Greetings, Father," Lady Erica spoke with practiced elegance, concealing any trace of the underlying tension between her and Prince Alaric.

Alpha Magnus acknowledged them with a nod and a smile, "Welcome, my dear. I'm still adjusting to the palace; it's vast and lonely without anyone to speak to. Soon, I'll pay my respects to the king and queen."

Lady Erica rushed to hug Alpha Magnus, "Father, I know if Mother were alive, it wouldn't be like this for you. But I'm sure she is happy you're here with me for my wedding."

Prince Alaric, choosing his words carefully, added, "Indeed, Father. The kingdom is abuzz with anticipation for the wedding. Please cheer up."

Alpha Magnus, a shrewd leader, studied their expressions before offering a measured smile. "It warms my heart to see you both getting along warmly. May your presence bring strength to our kingdoms."

As Lady Erica and Prince Alaric exchanged a smiling glance, each with their own thoughts.

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