Renewed Resolve

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Two buttons hovered in front of Martlet. The first simply said CONTINUE while the other said RESET. There was something ominous about these buttons, something she couldn't explain. It was as if they held a power that shouldn't be messed with. And yet, her gaze lingers on the RESET button. Would that undo her mistake? Undo killing a fellow monster in a fit of rage? Could she change the outcome? Prevent Clover from ever heading to New Home, simply having them stay with her? They could be roomies! Sure, they'd have to hide from Ceroba and the Royal Guard but Clover would be alive! Ceroba would be alive...

And yet, it wouldn't erase what she did, not truly. The memory would stay with her. She wasn't sure how she knew that but it would. Even if everyone else forgot, the memory of her wing slicing through Ceroba's body, her turning to dust would always linger in her mind. Except this time, she'd have no one to confide in, not without looking crazy. She'd just suffer in silence and anytime she would see Ceroba, she would only be able to see Clover's murderer. And a victim of her rage.

The two thoughts clashed as she stood there in the inky darkness, the strange light of the buttons being the only illumination. She takes a deep breath and reaches out her wing to one of the buttons, closer and closer and just as her wing was about to touch it...

Martlet's eyes flutter open as she stares at the ceiling of her house. A dream, a nightmare. That's all it was! Just a nightmare. Everything was just a nightmare...

That delusion didn't last long as she looked down at herself. Everything was still the same as it was yesterday. Clover was dead, Ceroba was dead, by her hand no less, she was in this form for the foreseeable future with Clover's soul the only thing keeping her alive. It all came rushing back as she lets out a shaky breath, trying not to cry. Her mind thinks back to the sight of the two buttons. Had that been her actual dream? She wasn't so sure.... She wasn't sure of a lot of things right now.

She felt the soul in her chest pulse. "Are you ok...?" Clover asks, concern in their voice. Honestly, she wasn't. The events of yesterday still weighed heavily on her mind. But she needed to keep moving forward.

She pushes herself up into a sitting position and takes a deep breath. It's a new day. She had to treat it like one. If she started dwelling on what she did, she'd just fall right back into misery and she knew Clover wouldn't want that. "I'll be fine. Right now, we gotta figure out what I'm gonna do." She stands up and heads to the kitchen, pouring herself a bowl of cereal before starting to eat. The chair was a bit too small for her now, causing her to sigh.

"Ok, so any thoughts on what we should focus on?" She asks Clover. "Hmm, I'd say either clothes or a new place to live?" That made sense to Martlet. She couldn't risk staying here. If any Royal Guard tried to check up on her and saw what she had become, they'd start asking questions and if the Royal scientist got involved, it was only a matter of time until they discovered why she was like this and things would snowball from there.

As for the clothes, while it didn't seem too important, hiding the soul attached to her chestplate was important. Sure, it looked like it was part of the armor, but it wasn't foolproof. If anyone started asking questions about it, she wasn't sure she could lie her way out of that situation. So, that definitely seemed like a good starting point.

The real challenge was actually doing it. Martlet could probably sew some clothes, just like her old ones but there's no way she had enough supplies on hand. Which meant she had to buy them, which meant interacting with other monsters. And also finding some G. Probation pay wasn't exactly the greatest and now she wasn't even gonna get that. After getting her living situation and clothes sorted, a source of income was next on the list.

As for the living situation, she'd prefer if she could live somewhere isolated, where not many monsters would bother her. "Oh! That reminds me!" Clover suddenly chimes in, causing Martlet to look down at the SOUL. "A friend of mine, Dalv, is moving out of the ruins. That place is completely isolated, pretty much no one goes in there, not even Royal Guards. With a bit of redecorating, I'm sure it'd be perfect." That made sense. Martlet remembered there was an entrance to some ruins way to the west. Up until recently, no one had been able to get in. In hindsight, of course that's where Clover would have come from.

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