T H I R T Y - F O U R

ابدأ من البداية

Nícolas cursed before shoving me completely into his brother's arms "Get her to the Penta and send the Guards. Whatever this creature is...it's not normal or natural. It shouldn't be overpowering an Alpha, let alone an Heir, the way that it is." 


The moment we burst into the Council's meeting, a meeting that happened to be ongoing might I add, a dozen set of scowls were sent my way. 

"You're late-" 

"Atlas needs help" I cut off Fowl with a scathing look "We were attacked on the way over here." 

My two Heirs stiffened at the parent's sides. 

"What?" Phoenix barked, stalking towards me with a ferocious look in his stormy eyes "Tell me what happened." 

While Máteo quickly explained what happened to everyone else in the room, I gripped the front of Phoenix's shirt, drawing those unique eyes back to mine. 

"You have to help him Nix" I whispered so low that I was surprised he even heard me from the uproar of everyone in the room "That thing...whatever the hell it was...injured Atlas. Before Máteo dragged me here, the last thing I heard was Atlas howls of pain." 

His expression turned thunderous as he barked out orders to all the guards in the room. 

"Kassian" he snapped at the other Heir, gripping my arm gentle but firm in his large hand as he walked me over to Kass "You know what to do." 

With those final words, he and Máteo strode out of the room, shifting into their wolves as they exited the Penta building. 

Kassian's gentle touch brought my attention to him and those around us.

Or therefore, the lack of people around us. 

We were the only ones left in the room. 

"Where'd everyone go?" I asked as Kassian gripped my hand in his, leading towards the Penta Council chairs. 

"It doesn't happen often but if a threat manages to break through the wards protecting our world, we have special protocols in place" he explained softly, this thumb brushing small calming circles on the back of my hand "The older Heirs get whirled away by guards to their panic rooms hidden within the Penta council."  

He stood behind his designated family throne and tapped on the Lykos family crest three times then paused before tapping it once more. 

There was a small click and suddenly, the chair started shifting forward and to the left.

My eyes widened "There's a secret tunnel?" 

He nodded. 

A COURT OF SHIFTERS AND SECRETSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن