{Beneath The Rain}

Start from the beginning

"WHAT?" She screamed, "He's having me followed?"

"It's for your protection," he said.

"Wait so you are...."

"Your secret bodyguard," he said with a poker face.

She popped her hand on her waist and stared at the man with narrowed eyes "For how long this has been going on?"

"From the day you were married to him"

She sighed and tipped her head back. She didn't want to give him the victory but at the same time, she was tired and had to spend a whole day making a 3D model.

"How can I trust you? I mean I don't know that you are really his bodyguards"

He sighed as he pulled out his phone and showed her the text messages. She grabbed the phone in her hand and read a few of them.




'Your job is to protect her. Remember that

'Remember not to do anything more than to protect her'

She removed her phone and compared the number. It was right. This was Anirudh.

She handed the phone back. She has to have a word with him to stop this nonsense. But as of now, she was going to take this ride.

"Any more doubts?" The guy said.

"No" She answered as she stepped inside the car.

After 10 minutes of awkward silence, they reached her cottage. As she was about to get out the bodyguard turned around from the driver's seat and gave her a pointed look.

"What?" She asked.

"Ma'am...I need to ask something"

"Go ahead"

"The guys from before....do they bother you every day?"

"I can handle it"

"So the answer is yes. Thank you"

"Wait...you wouldn't tell Anirudh right...Please don't tell him ok he doesn't need to know."

They both looked at each other for a minute as he sighed and said "Sure Ma'am"

"Thank God. And stop calling me Ma'am I'm younger than you"

"Mrs Malhotra is too long. I'll stick with Ma'am"

"Ishika. My name? And by the way, what's your name?"


"Amit. Nice to see you. I hope we'll be friends"

"Mr Malhotra will kill me" He murmured.


"Nothing" he smiled as she stepped out of the car. And went inside the cottage.

She was in sleeping shorts and a long t-shirt. After so long she could finally wear it. She looked at her half-finished model. Needless to say....she was proud of herself. She removed her hair from the bun and massaged her scalp. Tomorrow she'll finally meet Shanaya. She smiled at that thought.

The doorbell rang. Who could be there at this hour? She opened the door and met with the eyes she dreamt of every night. Anirudh was standing at the threshold of her cottage.

"Let me in?" He asked. Something didn't feel right. She just knew it.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

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