Chapter 5: The Truth?

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"Guys....Look what I found."

Knife held up a bunch of recorders. The other's looked between each other. Where they supposed to know what was going on? Knife took the hint and sighed, standing up properly and taking his phone out.

"So. . . Pickle, you remember how we were up the other night and Test Tube and Lightbulb walked in?" He looked over at his best friend. Pickle nodded wordlessly, his eyebrow raising slightly.

"So, there is something I want everyone to watch." Knife took his phone and linked it up to his computer. He played the video he had recorded.


"S...S-so!.....Uh...Y-You like science??" Test Tube assumed an awkward posture as they continued to walk. Nervousness so it seemed.

"Actually, I do!" Test Tube jerked a little. She even stopped walking. In the video, Taco could be seen stopping and turning around to check on Test Tube, even walking back to Test Tube for some reason.

Test Tube seemed to be in a buffering state before she sporadically let out a squeal and picked Taco up, tossing her into the air.

"Golly! Yay! I didn't think this could get any better! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!" Test Tube squealed. Her liquid was even glowing, lighting up the ground around it. The video, although not very clear, did show that Taco wasn't opposed to this.

How irregular for her.

Taco could be heard chuckling and suddenly Test Tube placed Taco back down on the ground. Her liquid turned a pink-ish color. And Taco. . .was. . .smiling?

The video goes on with them talking some more about science.

They stopped at some point, looking at each other, nodding. Test Tube has picked Taco up and placed the food item on the rim of her glass as she sped up. Knife could be heard in the video cursing silently to himself, getting up and following after the duo.

Did they not keep track of time or something? Were they late to something? What was going on?

Knife followed them back into the lab, making sure to keep quiet.

The video continued playing. Taco reminisced about her gift. They shared some pleasantries. Hell, they even looked like they were bonding. Taco even gave Test Tube the lemon clip from her human form.

Test Tube gave Taco a few more things she might have needed.

And at the very end of it all, they exchanged farewells. Heart warming ones at that.

"Yeah...So...I'll see you later?"



The video ended with the two bidding a somber farewell to each other. Knife didn't realize he had been holding his breath back till he finally exhaled. Pickle, on his left, was confused and making all sorts of sounds. Possibly trying to comprehend what he saw. But Microphone? She froze, not a sound from her, her face blanked.

"Yeah. I'm also quite fucked in the head from this. Mic, didn't you say that Taco killed Test Tube and that Test Tube was angry with you for it? Do ya think she tricked Test Tube into doing this?"

Mic nodded, still quite tense. "Well, I did, but she forgave me this morning."

"Wait...but that doesn't add up though. If Test Tube forgives you, then why is she helping Taco? That would have to mean that Taco told her, right? But they seem too ok with each other." Knife muttered more of to himself but spoke his thoughts into the air.

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