Chapter 0: The Prologue

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She ran

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

She ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, as fast as she could carry MePad,
as fast as the air running out from her lungs; She had to leave. She couldn't remember what she was running from. What she was doing in the first place.

Why does her chest ache so badly?

Her face was wet; stained with tears. Her legs felt like they were soaked in gasoline and set afire. Everything hurt so, so badly. Yet, she kept going.

Where was she even running to?

Her legs gave out and she collapsed with little time to react. Arms extended to cushion her fall as she sobbed quietly. Thoughts ran through her mind but she couldn't focus on a single one. Everything seemed to pass her by in that moment.

It's dangerous to lay here. What if someone saw her?

Yet, she dared not to move from her position on the floor. Sobbing weakly as she curled in on herself. She just couldn't calm herself down enough to survey her surroundings. It felt as if a forest fire was wreaking havoc all throughout her body. Everything burned; everything hurt and stung. She was barely able to inhale.

Damn it. She needed to pull it together

Using what little strength she had, she forced herself to bury her feelings into her core; Just as she had done countless times before. Just like every time she thought of what she was doing. She forced herself up and looked around. Perfect. Her subconscious brought her to where she needed to be.

She dragged MePad to a small patch marked by a few pebbles and placed him in a position to lay down. Walking over to a tree that seemed to be in the center of what was otherwise a small patch of clearing in a forest, she pulled on the second lowest branch. Just then, a hatch opened and MePad went sliding down. Taco jumped in, tears still threatening to spill out of her, as the hatch closed up after her.


She landed on a soft assortment of pillows, placed there to cushion her fall. MePad was slightly off to the side so she hadn't collided with him, thankfully. She sniffled and rubbed her temple, trying to alleviate her headache from the crying.

No. She could not cry right now. After she has properly set up MePad

She stood and resumed what she was doing. Picking up MePad while trying to stop her feelings from overwhelming in the way it did earlier. She made sure that there was no dirt on MePad or herself before dragging him into some underground lair. A lair she can't remember how she got to begin with. Only that it was there and that she was the one it was made for.

How did she even get this?

She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to ask those questions. She hauled him into what seemed like a sort of living quarters; plopping him down on a beanbag. She let out a sigh of relief as she walked over to her kitchen area, turned back into an object, and chose to sit and lay her head on the kitchen island.

And oh how her emotions would continue to spill

She started thinking back to the challenge, to those words, to Microphone. (The faucets in her eyes opened once more and out came all those emotions that she thought she had bid good riddance to all those years ago.) She once again started to bawl hysterically. Every part of her hurt. Every single fiber of her being, every atom making up her existence. Down to every last nerve and nerve ending.

Everything was ringing, blurry that she didn't realize what was about to happen to her.

Soul Seeker (An II AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें