CHAPTER 2: Contractual Partner

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My eyes constricted as I focused on the massive circle in front of me, taking up most of the little living room. Its ring shimmered with a mesmerizing aquatic glow, like some fire dancing underwater. But wait, the center's surface was smooth and undisturbed like water seemed to be mysterious despite its calmness. It felt like staring into a dream, leaving me wondering if I was still half-asleep or if reality was playing tricks on me.

"What in the world..." I mumbled slowly. Before I could fully process its impenetrable presence, a sudden jolt shot through my body as my cat Michiko appeared out of nowhere, curling up at my feet. I let out a shaky breath, reaching down to stroke her soft fur. "Michiko, you scared me," I whispered. But as she moved closer to the fiery ring's edge, panic surged within me.

"No, Michiko, don't!" I cried out, my heart racing with fear for her safety.

I leaned in to scoop up Michiko, and she began hissing, her gaze fixed on something unseen. And I stepped closer, my curiosity piqued by her unusual behavior. To my astonishment, I watched as the flame flickered around her, but her fur didn't burn.

It was 2:00 am and each hiss from Michiko seemed to punctuate the tension in the room, her fangs bared as she fixated on an unseen strange thing. I wondered what she was looking at, so I did the same thing. Behind the dancing aquamarine flame, a silhouette figure emerged, mirroring the shape I had glimpsed earlier.

"It's... it's moving, Michiko! Come here!" I urged, grabbing my cat protectively as I brandished the baseball bat. With each step backward, my nerves frayed, the mysterious presence approaching.

Finally, as it emerged from the flames unscathed, a squeaky voice began to hear.

"[ I'm no thief, ]" it declared, its tone oddly innocent. "[ You look horrified. ]"

My soul left my body in a split second.

Standing no taller than a child's doll, the creature exuded an aura, and its silver hair billowed in the air. The eyes were mesmerizing shades of crystal blue framed by long lashes. While its small and delicate hands, razor-sharp nails hinted at hidden danger. And with each step forward, it seemed to draw closer, and I instinctively stepped back, my heart racing.

"You! Stay back!" I commanded my grip on the baseball bat tightened as I aimed it at the strange creature.

"[Ella Sanford from Planet Earth,]" the creature spoke. How did it know my name?

Clutching the bat tightly, I steeled myself. "Are you... an alien? How do you know who I am?"

As panic threatened to overwhelm me, Michiko sprang from my arms, drawn inexplicably towards the mysterious being.

"Michiko!" I cried out, my heart pounding as my cat, who moments ago had been hissing and baring her fangs, now nestled affectionately against the peculiar creature. As the creature gently stroked Michiko's fur, it spoke in a calm, soothing tone.

"[I've seen this scenario play out countless times,]" it said. "[Similar to others at the outset, clutching onto an object for defense. Books, chairs, or fishing rods, unlike you, wielding a baseball bat, ]" the creature continued its squeaky voice crept me.

Was this creature some kind of home invader, creeping around in the shadows of regular houses? I hoped I was only dreaming.

The creature emitted a radiant golden imprint as it hovered gracefully in the air, casting a spellbinding aura around it. Even Michiko, usually so wary of strangers, appeared enchanted by its presence.

"T - Then what exactly are you?" I ventured my voice with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "A fairy? But you have no wings."

The creature responded with a gentle chuckle. "[That description is close enough, however, not entirely accurate]," it replied cryptically.

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