Max was out on patrol with the rookie. Max realised that she needed to mellow and not give the rookie such a hard time and remember what it was like for her when she was in that position. Max was on routine patrol with the rookie when they got a call for assistance. There was a fight taking place at a corner store. Max hit the emergency lights and drove to the location at speed. She could see out of her eye that the rookie was holding on tightly. He had nothing to fear as Max was one of the best drivers in the department. On arrival, a person was lying unconscious on the road, and the shop had been smashed. As they exited the car, they heard shouting and raised voices. As usual, Max didn't wait for backup; she approached the shop doorway with caution and could see there were three suspects. The rookie checked on the unconscious person.

Creeping into the store, Max went down an aisle a few rows away from the suspects. Max navigated herself to the aisle nearest to the only suspect who visibly had a gun. He was holding what looked like a sawn-off shotgun. The suspect with the gun was now standing in the centre of the aisle, continuing to threaten the staff, his anger and constant yelling telling Max she had to do She could not get a clear shot of the bad guy.

Looking around whilst she was crouched down, Max noticed the shelving display, which she was close to, didn't seem to be connected to the rest of the shelving; it was like an additional shelving unit added on. It was a poor fit and slightly taller than the other shelving units it stood amongst. She had an idea; Max put her gun back into her holster, and she turned to face the shelving. With one knee on the floor and the other knee also bent, she positioned her hands underneath the frame of the shelving unit. Max did some quick calculations- a rough estimate- and figured the shelving unit must weigh about four hundred and fifty pounds. The shelving unit wasn't fully stocked; from what she could see, they were standard cans of Beans. If Max could lift and tilt it in one movement, gravity would do the rest of the work and remove the bad guy. She had to act quickly; his shouting and ranting increased, and she thought he would lose it at any moment. Max got off her knee and tightened her grip on the bottom support of the shelving unit. She knew that for this to work, she needed to be explosive; it needed to be a powerful movement. Max's shoulder pressed against the back of the unit.

"Fucking hurry up, put the money in the bag, I'm going to blow your fucking head off...5-4" he continued to count down.

There was no more time. Max lifted and rammed the unit in a swift action. Lifting the heavy frame, its rear support legs lifted off the ground, her powerful shoulder pressed into the rear of the unit. Max added more power, pushing with her legs and engaging her lats. The large metal framed shelving unit tilted further; Max's muscles had awakened, her arm and leg muscles expanding, testing the uniform's integrity. Max gave a final push using her powerful physique. Gravity kicked in, and the large shelving unit toppled over. The bad guy turned as the first few cans fell off the shelf, landing on him; he turned to get a better look at what was going on. As Max lifted and tilted the shelving unit further, more cans fell off, one hitting him square in the face and off balance. Then, the entire unit started to fall on him. In a futile attempt, he dropped his gun and tried to hold the unit, but the momentum and force with which Max shoulder barged the heavy unit gave him no chance. He fell to the floor, and the rest of the unit fell on him, pinning him down. The other bad guys turned around to investigate the commotion. Max emerged from the aisle, her gun drawn.

"Police don't move", Max shouted

The two remaining suspects quickly grabbed what they had and ran out of the shop. One turned, throwing something at Max; it hit her gun, and she lost her shot. Outside, the rookie was slowly approaching the shop. The suspects raced out, one of them crashing into the rookie and falling to the ground. The bad guy tried to get up, but the rookie grabbed him, and they started wrestling on the ground. Still on his feet, the suspect managed to sidestep and run off down the street. Max came running out of the shop. She could see that the rookie needed help. But she also thought she could grab the other suspect, and Max could run fast and easily catch him. She looked again at the rookie; he was taking a few blows, and the suspect had started overpowering him. Max didn't like losing suspects, but she needed to help the rookie. A quick radio call first alerted other units to the description and direction the suspect was running towards.

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