Chapter 2

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Yesterday went by quite fast and without any hassle, seeming as I only go to the park every second day meaning that Logan didn't have the chance to bother me.

But now heading towards my park I am praying he isn't there, which is funny since I am the least religious person ever. Anyway I head over to my bench and sit down, it seems like there aren't many butterflies today but I don't mind.

I get out my sketchbook and start drawing, I got a commission for a 10 year old girl who also loves butterflies and wants a painting of one in her room. I of course accepted the job immediately, knowing how much I would have loved it if my parents got me a painting of a butterfly for my room. I draw all my ideas and write down what butterfly I think would go best with the color of her room.

I get lost in my drawing and don't even realize someone sat down next to me, " You weren't here yesterday." I drop my pencil and almost jump at the voice of Logan, he completely scared me. He luckily sees I am startled, " Sorry I thought you heard me sitting down." He says with an apologetic tone and expression.

After gaining back my composure and picking up my pencil again I finally answered his question, " I come here every second day because the other days is Mac and cheese days." Ignoring his questioningly look, I realize I willingly told this random stranger something personal about me and for some reason I don't feel completely repulsed around him, this is weird, he is weird, this whole situation is weird.

Pulling me out of my mind rant once again he ask a question, he seems to love those. " Mac and cheese days? Sorry if I'm intruding I just want to get to know you more, you seem like an amazing person."

Completely ignoring the last part I continue drawing and reply, " Yes Mac and cheese days, ever second day my brother takes me to Uncle Rick's the dinner on Main Street to get macaroni and cheese, I would take myself but I hate driving, that and cars in general that's why I walk everywhere but I tolerate it for the Mac and cheese I get." I rant but quickly stop when I realize I am definitely over sharing.

He chuckles but I don't get what's funny. " I will have to check the dinner out sometime then, and as for the driving for me it's quite the opposite actually it's therapeutic to me, and it's actually my job."

I stop drawing and look him, there is no way someone should willingly drive a car for their job, there is so many other things you could do with your life than doing that... I don't care anymore I am hardcore judging him.

He can clearly see the utter disgust on my face and chuckles again, which distracts me from his poor life choices. He has a really nice smile, too nice, the type you see in tv type of nice.

"It's not that bad, and besides I don't drive a normal car when I race." He says causing my eyes to go wide race?? "As in car racing?" I ask, he nods his head yes and waits for my reaction.

"Well then you're even more stupid then I thought, we cannot be friends if you do that of all things, and the fact you're willing do that is beyond me." He clearly ignores my insult to his intelligence and asks, "You see us as friends?" He now has a cocky smirk on his face, at least that's what I think, I am not the best with human emotions.

"No, but now we will never be with my knowing that." I say in a rude tone, hoping he would now stop talking to me. "You'll come around you'll see, to both wanting to be my friend and the driving."

" I highly doubt that will ever happen." I say before starting to pack up my things, seeing as it almost time for me to leave. Logan clearly noticed that and being the social butterfly he is has to make a comment on it. "Leaving already?"

"Yes" I say blankly and stand up and start walking, and just like last time he yells, "Have a good day Angélique!" But I don't reply.

On my way home I can't seem to phantom the idea of him wanting to drive a car, he really is peculiar isn't he. Although I can't wrap my mind around the fact he actually wants to talk to me and for some reason for the first time in my life I'm not completely against the idea even though I would never admit it not even to myself.


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