Nonetheless, Viserys felt happy and proud of his brother. However, Daemon had other ideas, clearly shown on his face. "Those are not mine!" Daemon declared. "Clearly, she laid with another man and gave birth to bastards." Gritting his teeth, Daemon tried to deny it, but Otto continued his assault on him, much to the latter's anger.

"Their features are Valyrian, while the one with black hair and purple eyes clearly shows he is your blood, much like his twin who has silver-gold hair and lilac eyes," Otto stated, pleased to see Daemon so stressed and panicked.

Gulping, Daemon couldn't even refute the Hand's words; the twins were his, and nothing could disprove that otherwise. Thousands of questions flooded his mind, with the main one being: Why? Why would that Royce woman, his Bronze Bitch, give birth to spite him? He guessed as much from that woman.

The other council members were also in shock. Corlys was plotting to better his house's position with this recent development, while the others were mostly shocked.

Calming down, Daemon sat in his chair once again and contemplated what to do with the boys. In truth, he wanted no part in being a parent, but it felt like destiny to him. Aemma, the Queen, gave birth to a daughter and many stillborns before that, and he was still the heir, so that would make the boys his heirs.

He steeled his resolve and got up to walk towards the exit, but Viserys stopped him. "Where do you think you're going, Daemon?"

Looking at his older brother, Daemon replied, "To seek the truth," and he left.

Line Break

The Dragonpit: Kings Landing

The Dragonpit is a majestic structure located in King's Landing, serving as a historic and iconic venue for the Targaryens and their dragons. The massive, domed building is designed to house and control dragons, a testament to the Targaryen legacy of wielding these mythical creatures.

Constructed with towering arches and a large central dome, the Dragonpit is an architectural marvel that stands as a symbol of the Targaryen reign.

The air within the Dragonpit carries a blend of ancient stone, dragonfire remnants, and the distant hum of the city beyond its walls, creating a unique and evocative atmosphere. Rows of seating encircle the central arena, providing a vantage point for spectators during significant dragon-related events. Remnants of the past, including claw imprints and legendary dragonrider frescoes, narrate the tales of Targaryen dominance etched into the very walls of this historic structure.

As Daemon strolled into the Dragonpit, intent on summoning his dragon, Caraxes, also known as the "Blood Wyrm," to fly to Runestone and check on his two boys, the walk through the Red Keep allowed him time to reflect on the information presented in the Small Council. Despite being of Bronze blood, they were still his sons, sharing his lineage, the blood of the Dragons.

Daemon felt a tremor within his bones, envisioning his two boys growing strong and powerful. Regretting the earlier statement he made, he was now about to lay eyes on his sons for the first time.

Humming a soft tune, Daemon called for his dragon in High Valyrian.


A growl reverberated throughout the pit, and Daemon witnessed amber-colored eyes fixed on him. Caraxes shot his head toward the sky and roared, sending pillars of crimson flames through the air, revealing his crimson-red scales and unique anatomy.

After the display of flames, Caraxes lowered his head into Daemon's hand, seemingly cuddling with it. Not many knew this, but the Blood Wyrm was only ever tamed when Daemon was in the area.

Speaking in High Valyrian again, Daemon conveyed his desire to his dragon.

"Lets fly. To Runestone and greet my hatchlings"

Caraxes shook his massive head, as if agreeing with its master. Leading the dragon out of the Dragonpit, Daemon guided Caraxes and, mounting his dragon, commanded in High Valyrian before taking flight.

Line Break

Runestone: The Vale

After flying to Kings Landing to the Vale Daemon unmount his dragon and took the trek towards the castle of Runestone to meet his hatchlings.

In his view he saw the castle of Runestone, Perched upon a craggy peak, the Castle of Runestone commands a panoramic view of the rugged landscape. Hewn from the mountain itself, its weathered towers and parapets echo tales of endurance. Ancient banners flutter from turrets, carrying symbols of a proud lineage. A drawbridge spans a deep chasm, linking the castle to the precipitous cliffs. Within, cobblestone pathways wind through gardens, a vibrant contrast against stern stone walls. The Great Hall, with arched ceilings, echoes the grand history of Runestone in stained glass hues.

Leading up to the castle, Daemon was nervous, a sensation he had never experienced before. Known for his confidence, swagger, smugness, and superiority, he now found himself trembling, not in fear but in trepidation and nervousness.

Observing the guards bowing upon seeing him, Daemon speculated that it was a gesture of respect, a sentiment he wasn't accustomed to.

Approaching the keep, Daemon heard something he never thought he would in his life.

"My prince, welcome to Runestone. I am Mrylyn Les, the midwife of your late wife, Lady Rhea Royce. And I present to you your twin sons, Naruto and Sasuke Targaryen," Daemon was once again in shock as the twins' features unmistakably screamed of Valyrian heritage.

With hands shaking, Daemon reached out to cradle the two babes against his chest, feeling a surge of fatherly love. Could this be the same emotion his father felt when he held both him and Viserys in his arms?

As Daemon held Naruto and Sasuke Targaryen close, a whirlwind of emotions swept through him. The weight of fatherhood settled on his shoulders, and he couldn't help but marvel at the Valyrian features mirrored in the innocent faces of his twin sons.

"Take care of them. When they are fit to ride, I will bring them to King's Landing to present to my brother," Daemon commanded as the midwife nodded and took the two babes, hurrying up into the nursery.

Daemon couldn't shake the feeling that these two, his sons, would shape the history of Westeros for better or worse.

Chapter End -

AN: Well, a pretty short chapter, in my opinion, but I enjoyed writing it.

This will be a darker Naruto, but not evil. They will make decisions that will make you question them.

The Twin Dragons of Westeros (Under Going A Long Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now