Dragon Twins

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AN: Rhea Royce will die in childbirth and Daemon will raise the twins alone. I got the inspiration on NZ's Dance of the Dread.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as I enjoyed writing it.


Screams echoed through the keep of Runestone as a woman gave birth. She cursed Daemon for burdening her with this pain, vowing to spite him by bringing her children into the world.

Amidst the birthing bed, Rhea felt her life slipping away with each agonizing moment. The midwife urged her to push, and she did so with a howling scream that seemed louder than before.

Hours passed, but for Rhea, it felt like an eternity. The midwife eventually revealed the fruits of her labor – two beautiful babies. One had the Targaryen features, with silver-gold hair, pale skin, and lilac-colored eyes. The other inherited Rhea's hair color, black, with matching eyes and complexion. Same as his brother.

"The names, milady?" the midwife asked, struggling to decide on names for the two infants. Her voice betrayed her thoughts as she finally spoke their names.

"Naruto and Sasuke... Their names will be Naruto and... Sasuke," Rhea replied, feeling the aftermath of childbirth as her eyes began to close and life started to fade. Her only regret was not seeing Daemon's face upon learning they had two boys.

She knew Daemon didn't want to be a father, willing to commit genocide rather than have children with her. Her last thoughts before succumbing to death were of her twin boys. Taking a final look at her children, she smiled, hoping they would have a better future than hers. Perhaps they would, given that King Viserys and that cunt Daemon would likely be informed by the Hand of the King.

Line Break

-Small Council Meeting: King's Landing-

King Viserys, first of his name, sat upon his grand seat during the Small Council meeting. Otto, his Hand, insisted on full attendance, even summoning Daemon to join the gathering.

Three Kingsguard members were tasked with fetching Daemon from whichever pleasure house his brother had chosen to visit. When Daemon walked in, his hair slightly disheveled and a smug, confident look on his face, King Viserys observed him closely.

The council chamber was filled with notable figures, including Corlys of House Velaryon, Master of Ships; Lyonel of House Strong, Master of Laws; Lyman of House Beesbury, Master of Coins; Ryam of House Redwyne, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard; Daemon, the heir until a son is born; Otto of House Hightower, the Hand; and Grand Maester Mellos.

Otto, the Hand, spoke, "Your grace, my prince, milords, I have news that would delight and shock you." Corlys raised a brow in interest, and King Viserys questioned, "What would it be, my Lord Hand?"

"It appears that the Lady Rhea Royce had gi—" His sentence was cut off by Daemon, who stood up abruptly, slamming his hands into the table, his eyes widening in shock and horror. Otto took great pleasure in witnessing the Prince of the City shocked and horrified.

"What. Did. You. Say?" Through gritted teeth, Daemon glared intensely at Otto, who simply hid a smirk and continued delivering his message.

"A raven in the night has arrived, announcing that Lady Rhea has given birth. Two twins, both boys; a wet nurse has been tasked with taking care of them for the time being," said Otto, while Daemon continued to glare.

Viserys smiled, finally, his brother had two children of his own – twins, no less. They would be the same age as his daughter and could grow up together. However, a tinge of jealousy crept in. While he had a daughter, the gods had given Daemon two boys who could inherit after him.

The Twin Dragons of Westeros (Under Going A Long Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now