Chapter 3: One Way or Another

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Sibyl's second attempt at a first day in Forks High School was filled with anxiety. Walking through the crowded hallways, she clutched her iPod tightly, seeking comfort in the familiar music that drowned out the voices in her head.

She became the target of bullies who saw her blindness as an opportunity to prey on her vulnerability.

The whispered taunts and cruel remarks cut through the air, leaving Sibyl feeling isolated and helpless. Unwilling to draw attention to herself, she remained a selective mute, holding back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. She longed to find solace in her music, but even that seemed to provide little refuge from the relentless torment. The bullies saw her blindness as a weakness to exploit.

Meanwhile, Bella watched with a heavy heart as her sister struggled to navigate the treacherous social dynamics of the high school. She knew that Sibyl's blindness made her a target, but she also saw her sister's inner resilience and determination to persevere in the face of adversity.

"Is it different?" Jasper asked. "Being here?"

It had been a few weeks now, Sibyl didn't expect him to talk to her. He hadn't since she had an episode but now he was?

It was strange and a bit weird but she longed for conversations with someone other than her sister for years. She wasn't going to let it pass her up, especially with someone who had been nice to her even if he was silent about it.

"Yes," Sibyl said quietly, her fingers aching to play but there was no instrument to hold. The pain of losing her escape, her solace to a bunch of bullies hadn't been deemed.

She had lost the only friends she had ever known. A few days ago a couple of boys from the football team and their cheerleader's girlfriends had broken her harp when they found her playing it in the art room. The teacher had let her take sanctuary in it and her efforts had been a slap to the face.

It had been the worst thing a bully had ever done to her. She didn't have the courage to tell her dad about it either. So she didn't say anything.

She also didn't understand why Jasper Hale was even speaking to her. He and Emmett had a strange dynamic going on that involved her. They hadn't left her alone much, even dragging their sisters into the scheme. Maybe it was because of the accident, she didn't know. But whatever it was, she wished they would leave her alone. She had enough of people.

She just wanted her music and the voices in her head for company.

First day of school, she had an episode - the rumors never calmed down.

Second day of school, she had been avoided like she was carrying the bubonic plague.

By the following Monday, the vultures descended and the usual began again. Nothing new. Nothing original either. Just snide comments but by the third week, Sibyl was bruising.

Her knees hurt from being tripped up constantly. Her wrists were smarted from trying to catch herself. She couldn't very well play without the aches making her fingers freeze up on the keys. She never said anything to Bella. She had enough to worry about. What with all the drama that was a perpetual cloud of angst and anger that was Edward Cullen.

It started off with Bella telling Sibyl about the Cullens, she had told her how the family sat further away from everyone else in the cafeteria. There were five of them. And it didn't appear that they were talking or even eating. She had described them even. Of the three boys, one was big - muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students.

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